(what [[schmonz]] will be migrating from).
* Enrich [feed metadata](http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/rss/rss.html)
by catching up `rsspage.tmpl` to `atompage.tmpl`.
+* Verify that [[plugins/more]] plays well with fancy podcasts.
+* Verify that the feeds validate.
* Subscribe to a fancy feed in some common podcatchers and verify
display details against a reference podcast.
-* Verify that the feeds validate.
+### Status
+[[!table data="""
+Feature |iTunes RSS|iTunes Atom|Downcast RSS|Downcast Atom
+Feed image |{X} |{X} |{X} |{X}
+Feed title |(./) |(./) |(./) |(./)
+Feed publisher |{X} |{X} |{X} |{X}
+Feed "category" |{X} |{X} |{X} |{X}
+Feed date |(./) |(./) |(./) |(./)
+Feed description |(./) |(./) |(./) |{X}
+Episode image |{X} |{X} |{X} |{X}
+Episode title |(./) |(./) |(./) |(./)
+Episode date |(./) |(./) |(./) |(./)
+Episode duration |{X} |{X} |{X} |{X}
+Episode author |{X} |{X} |{X} |{X}
+Episode description|(./) |(./) |(./) |{X}
+Episode enclosure |(./) |(./) |(./) |(./)
### Must-have (for [[schmonz]], anyway)
* `itunes:keywords`
* Notable tags for entries:
* `itunes:duration`
- * use `Audio::TagLib` if present and applicable
- * fall back to `ffprobe`
+ * [[!cpan Audio::TagLib]] might be fastest, if present and applicable
+ * [ffprobe](http://ffmpeg.org/ffprobe.html) is reasonably fast
+ * [mediainfo](http://mediainfo.sourceforge.net/) is way slower
+ * Cache computed durations as pagestate
### Other ideas
-* Let the enclosure's MIME type be specified, in case someone ever
- needs to disagree with `File::MimeInfo`.
-* Extend [[plugins/inline]] to configurably generate additional
- subscription links (such as iTunes) alongside the RSS/Atom ones.
-* Verify that [[plugins/more]] plays well with fancy podcasts.
-* Allow enclosures that are outside the wiki.
+* Optionally specify the enclosure's:
+ * MIME type, in case `File::MimeInfo` guesses wrong.
+ * Duration, in case `ffprobe` guesses wrong.
+* Optionally specify enclosures outside the wiki:
+ * Some people don't want to store big unchanging files in the VCS.
+ * Other people like [podcasting found media](http://huffduffer.com/about).
+ * We'd have to download the file just to compute some metadata
+ about it, and then somehow not frequently re-download it.
+* Configurably generate additional subscription links (such as
+ iTunes) alongside the RSS/Atom ones in [[plugins/inline]].
* Support Apple's "enhanced podcasts" (if they're still relevant).
-### Status
-[[!table data="""
-Feature |iTunes RSS|iTunes Atom|Downcast RSS|Downcast Atom
-Feed image | | | |
-Feed title |(./) |(./) |(./) |(./)
-Feed publisher | | | |
-Feed "category" | | | |
-Feed date |(./) |(./) |(./) |(./)
-Feed description | | | |
-Episode image | | | |
-Episode title |(./) |(./) |(./) |(./)
-Episode date |(./) |(./) |(./) |(./)
-Episode duration | | | |
-Episode author |(./) |(./) |(./) |(./)
-Episode description|(./) |(./) |(./) |
-Episode enclosure |(./) |(./) |(./) |(./)