# List here all source files with translatable strings.
POTFILES=$(sort $(shell find ../IkiWiki -type f -name \*.pm)) \
# List here all source files with translatable strings.
POTFILES=$(sort $(shell find ../IkiWiki -type f -name \*.pm)) \
ikiwiki.pot: $(POTFILES)
@if perl -e '($$ver)=`xgettext -V | head -n 1`=~/.*\s+([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)/; die "gettext $$ver too old, not updating the pot file\n" if $$ver < 0.16'; then \
echo "Rebuilding the pot file"; \
ikiwiki.pot: $(POTFILES)
@if perl -e '($$ver)=`xgettext -V | head -n 1`=~/.*\s+([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)/; die "gettext $$ver too old, not updating the pot file\n" if $$ver < 0.16'; then \
echo "Rebuilding the pot file"; \
@echo -n "Merging ikiwiki.pot and $@"
@msgmerge $@ ikiwiki.pot -o $@.new 2>&1
# Typically all that changes was a date or line number. I'd prefer not to
@echo -n "Merging ikiwiki.pot and $@"
@msgmerge $@ ikiwiki.pot -o $@.new 2>&1
# Typically all that changes was a date or line number. I'd prefer not to