my $filename = shift;
my $im = Image::Magick->new();
my $r = $im->Read(":$filename");
- return "no image" if $r;
+ return "no image: $r" if $r;
my $w = $im->Get("width");
my $h = $im->Get("height");
return "${w}x${h}";
like($outhtml, qr/${quot}really-pdf\.png${quot} does not seem to be a valid png file/);
ok(! -e "$outpath/666x-really-pdf.png");
+# resize is deterministic when deterministic=1
+ok(utime(333333333, 333333333, "t/tmp/in/redsquare.png"));
+ok(! system("rm $outpath/10x-redsquare.png"));
+ok(! system(@command, '--set-yaml', 'img_allowed_formats=[JPEG, PNG, svg, pdf]', '--set', 'deterministic=1', "--rebuild"));
+ok(! system("cp $outpath/10x-redsquare.png $outpath/10x-redsquare.png.orig"));
+ok(utime(444444444, 444444444, "t/tmp/in/redsquare.png"));
+ok(! system("rm $outpath/10x-redsquare.png"));
+ok(! system(@command, '--set-yaml', 'img_allowed_formats=[JPEG, PNG, svg, pdf]', '--set', 'deterministic=1', "--rebuild"));
+ ! system("cmp $outpath/10x-redsquare.png $outpath/10x-redsquare.png.orig"),
+ "resize is deterministic when configured with deterministic=1"
# disable support for uncommon formats and try again
ok(! system(@command, "--rebuild"));
ok(! -e "$outpath/10x-bluesquare.png");