+* http://lhc.am-1.org/lhc/
+ **(down since December, 2012)**
+ — used to hold random stuff written by me, my colleagues,
+ students, etc.
+## Preferences
+I prefer to use [Lynx][] along with [Emacs][] (via
+`emacsclient`) to work with the wikis. (Note the “Local
+variables” section below.)
+The things I dislike in the wiki engines are:
+* the use of home-brew specialized version control systems
+ — while there're a lot of much more developed general
+ purpose ones;
+* oversimplified syntax
+ — which (to some extent) precludes more sophisticated
+ forms of automated processing; in particular, this forces one
+ to reformat the material, once complete, to, say, prepare a
+ book, or an article, or slides.
+Out of all the wiki engines I'm familiar with, only Ikiwiki is
+free of the first of these. I hope that it will support more
+elaborate syntaxes eventually.
+ Local variables:
+ mode: markdown
+ coding: utf-8
+ fill-column: 64
+ ispell-local-dictionary: "american"
+ End: