+> I wouldn't mind a mailing list myself. For many people, e-mail is more
+> efficient to process, particularly offline, than wiki pages. Also,
+> ikiwiki's discussion pages require a fair amount of discipline from
+> users to make it easy to follow a long discussion. On the other hand,
+> it would be interesting to make improvements to ikiwiki
+> (read: plugins) to to see if it's possible to accomodate both
+> mail people and online people.
+> --[liw](http://liw.fi)
+>> The [Zwiki](http://zwiki.org) project has ideas to mine in this area. We explored various permutations of wiki and mail list.
+>> Currently Zwiki's [email features](http://zwiki.org/Mail) are good enough that we use it as the mail list and don't run separate
+>> ml software. This is simple and mostly satisfying. Now and then we miss the familiarity and industrial
+>> strength of a standard mail list and its simple time-based archive. We do gateway with [gmane](http://news.gmane.org/gmane.comp.web.zope.zwiki) so people
+>> can use that as an alternative. I'm happy to chat about this, ping me..
+>> --[sm](http://joyful.com)
+[[tag wishlist]]