sub import {
hook(type => "getsetup", id => "graphviz", call => \&getsetup);
- hook(type => "preprocess", id => "graph", call => \&graph);
+ hook(type => "needsbuild", id => "version", call => \&needsbuild);
+ hook(type => "preprocess", id => "graph", call => \&graph, scan => 1);
sub getsetup () {
"dot" => 1, "neato" => 1, "fdp" => 1, "twopi" => 1, "circo" => 1
-my $graphnum=0;
+sub needsbuild {
+ my $needsbuild=shift;
+ foreach my $page (keys %pagestate) {
+ if (exists $pagestate{$page}{graph} &&
+ exists $pagesources{$page} &&
+ grep { $_ eq $pagesources{$page} } @$needsbuild) {
+ # remove state, will be re-added if
+ # the graph is still there during the rebuild
+ delete $pagestate{$page}{graph};
+ }
+ }
+ return $needsbuild;
sub render_graph (\%) {
my %params = %{(shift)};
- $graphnum++;
- my $src = "$params{type} graph$graphnum {\n";
- $src .= "charset=\"utf-8\";\n";
+ my $src = "charset=\"utf-8\";\n";
$src .= "ratio=compress;\nsize=\"".($params{width}+0).", ".($params{height}+0)."\";\n"
if defined $params{width} and defined $params{height};
$src .= $params{src};
$src .= "}\n";
- # Use the sha1 of the graphviz code as part of its filename.
+ # Use the sha1 of the graphviz code as part of its filename,
+ # and as a unique identifier for its imagemap.
eval q{use Digest::SHA};
error($@) if $@;
- my $base=$params{page}."/graph-".
- IkiWiki::possibly_foolish_untaint(Digest::SHA::sha1_hex($src));
- my $dest=$base.".png";
+ my $sha=IkiWiki::possibly_foolish_untaint(Digest::SHA::sha1_hex($params{type}.$src));
+ $src = "$params{type} graph$sha {\n".$src;
+ my $dest=$params{page}."/graph-".$sha.".png";
will_render($params{page}, $dest);
- # The imagemap data is stored as a separate file.
- my $imagemap=$base.".imagemap";
- will_render($params{page}, $imagemap);
- my $map;
- if (! -e "$config{destdir}/$dest" || ! -e "$config{destdir}/$imagemap") {
+ my $map=$pagestate{$params{destpage}}{graph}{$sha};
+ if (! -e "$config{destdir}/$dest" || ! defined $map) {
# Use ikiwiki's function to create the image file, this makes
# sure needed subdirs are there and does some sanity checking.
writefile($dest, $config{destdir}, "");
close OUT;
local $/ = undef;
- $map=<IN>;
+ $map=$pagestate{$params{destpage}}{graph}{$sha}=<IN>;
close IN;
- writefile($imagemap, $config{destdir}, $map);
waitpid $pid, 0;
error gettext("failed to run graphviz") if ($sigpipe || $?);
- }
- else {
- $map=readfile("$config{destdir}/$imagemap");
return "<img src=\"".urlto($dest, $params{destpage}).
- "\" usemap=\"#graph$graphnum\" />\n".
+ "\" usemap=\"#graph$sha\" />\n".
sub graph (@) {
my %params=@_;
- $params{src} = "" unless defined $params{src};
+ # Support wikilinks in the graph source.
+ my $src=$params{src};
+ $src="" unless defined $src;
+ $src=IkiWiki::linkify($params{page}, $params{destpage}, $params{src});
+ return unless defined wantarray; # scan mode short-circuit
+ if ($src ne $params{src}) {
+ # linkify makes html links, but graphviz wants plain
+ # urls. This is, frankly a hack: Process source as html,
+ # throw out everything inside tags that is not a href.
+ my $s;
+ my $nested=0;
+ use HTML::Parser;
+ error $@ if $@;
+ my $p=HTML::Parser->new(api_version => 3);
+ $p->handler(start => sub {
+ my %attrs=%{shift()};
+ if (exists $attrs{href}) {
+ if ($s=~/href\s*=\s*"$/) {
+ $s.=$attrs{href};
+ }
+ elsif ($s=~/href\s*=\s*$/) {
+ $s.="\"$attrs{href}\"";
+ }
+ else {
+ $s.="href=\"$attrs{href}\"";
+ }
+ }
+ $nested++;
+ }, "attr");
+ $p->handler(end => sub {
+ $nested--;
+ });
+ $p->handler(default => sub {
+ $s.=join("", @_) unless $nested;
+ }, "text");
+ $p->parse($src);
+ $p->eof;
+ $params{src}=$s;
+ }
+ else {
+ $params{src}=$src;
+ }
$params{type} = "digraph" unless defined $params{type};
$params{prog} = "dot" unless defined $params{prog};
error gettext("prog not a valid graphviz program") unless $graphviz_programs{$params{prog}};