use warnings;
use strict;
-use Test::More tests => 61;
+use Test::More tests => 64;
BEGIN { use_ok("IkiWiki"); }
ok($ret, "simple match");
is($ret, "foo matches foo", "stringified return");
-$ret=pagespec_match("foo", "link(bar)");
-is(join(",", $ret->influences), 'foo', "link is influenced by the page with the link");
-$ret=pagespec_match("bar", "backlink(foo)");
-is(join(",", $ret->influences), 'foo', "backlink is influenced by the page with the link");
-$ret=pagespec_match("bar", "backlink(foo)");
-is(join(",", $ret->influences), 'foo', "backlink is influenced by the page with the link");
-$ret=pagespec_match("bar", "created_before(foo)");
-is(join(",", $ret->influences), 'foo', "created_before is influenced by the comparison page");
-$ret=pagespec_match("bar", "created_after(foo)");
-is(join(",", $ret->influences), 'foo', "created_after is influenced by the comparison page");
+my %i=pagespec_match("foo", "link(bar)")->influences;
+is(join(",", keys %i), 'foo', "link is influenced by the page with the link");
+%i=pagespec_match("bar", "backlink(foo)")->influences;
+is(join(",", keys %i), 'foo', "backlink is influenced by the page with the link");
+%i=pagespec_match("bar", "backlink(foo)")->influences;
+is(join(",", keys %i), 'foo', "backlink is influenced by the page with the link");
+%i=pagespec_match("bar", "created_before(foo)")->influences;
+is(join(",", keys %i), 'foo', "created_before is influenced by the comparison page");
+%i=pagespec_match("bar", "created_after(foo)")->influences;
+is(join(",", keys %i), 'foo', "created_after is influenced by the comparison page");
+%i=pagespec_match("foo", "link(baz) and created_after(bar)")->influences;
+is(join(",", sort keys %i), 'bar,foo', "influences add up over AND");
+%i=pagespec_match("foo", "link(baz) and created_after(bar)")->influences;
+is(join(",", sort keys %i), 'bar,foo', "influences add up over OR");
+%i=pagespec_match("foo", "!link(baz) and !created_after(bar)")->influences;
+is(join(",", sort keys %i), 'bar,foo', "influences unaffected by negation");