-User contributed local.css files.
+[[!meta title="CSS Market"]]
-* **[[css_market/zack]]**, contributed by [[StefanoZacchiroli]], customized
- mostly for *blogging purposes*, can be seen in action on
- [zack's blog](http://www.bononia.it/~zack/blog/)
+User contributed stylesheet files for ikiwiki. Unless otherwise noted,
+these style sheets can be installed by copying them into your wiki's source
+dir with a filename of `local.css`.
-* **[[css_market/kirkambar]]**, contributed by [[Roktas]]. This far from perfect
+Feel free to add your own stylesheets here. (Upload as wiki pages; wiki
+gnomes will convert them to css files..)
+* **[[css_market/zack.css]]**, contributed by [[StefanoZacchiroli]],
+ customized mostly for *blogging purposes*, can be seen in action on
+ [zack's blog](http://upsilon.cc/~zack/blog/)
+ [[!meta stylesheet="zack"]]
+* **[[css_market/kirkambar.css]]**, contributed by [[Roktas]]. This far from perfect
stylesheet follows a [Gitweb](http://www.kernel.org/git/?p=git/git.git;a=tree;f=gitweb)
- like theme, so it may provide a consistent look'n feel along with the [[git]] backend. ;-)
- You can see it in action on [kirkambar](http://kirkambar.net/) (Turkish content).
\ No newline at end of file
+ like theme, so it may provide a consistent look'n feel along with the [[rcs/git]] backend. ;-)
+ [[!meta stylesheet="kirkambar"]]
+* **[[css_market/embeddedmoose.css]]**, contributed by [[JoshTriplett]].
+ Designed for [Embedded Moose](http://embeddedmoose.com). Some ideas from the
+ Debian lighttpd index.html page.
+ [[!meta stylesheet="embeddedmoose"]]
+* **[[02_Template.css]]**, contributed and adapted by [maxx](http://martin.wuertele.net/), [original](http://www.openwebdesign.org/viewdesign.phtml?id=3057)
+ designed by [jarico](http://www.openwebdesign.org/userinfo.phtml?user=jcarico)
+ (License: public domain). You'll need a modified page.tmpl
+ **[[css_market/02_Template.tmpl]]**. If you prefer
+ [my header image](http://martin.wuertele.net/images/header.png) you can
+ use it under the terms of the MIT License (see png comment).
+ [[!meta stylesheet="02_Template"]]
+* **[[css_market/cstamas.css]]**, contributed by [[cstamas]].
+ This one is based on embeddedmoose, however it is slightly different now.
+ [My webpage's](http://users.itk.ppke.hu/~cstamas/tag/english) is not the same.
+ You can grab some pictures used as background patterns from there.
+ [[!meta stylesheet="cstamas"]]
+* **[[css_market/bma.css]]**, contributed by [bma](http://subvert.org.uk/~bma/).
+ Not quite the same as I use on my site, since that has slightly modified
+ templates.
+ [[!meta stylesheet="bma"]]
+* **[blankoblues.css][1]**, contributed by [[Blanko]]. Can be seen on [Blankoblues Demo][2]. Local.css and templates available [here][3].
+* **[contraste.css][4]**, contributed by [[Blanko]]. Can be seen on [Contraste Demo][5]. Local.css and templates available [here][6].
+* **[[css_market/actiontabs.css]]**, contributed by [[svend]]. This style sheet displays
+ the action list (Edit, RecentChanges, etc.) as tabs.
+ [[!meta stylesheet="actiontabs"]]
+If your web browser allows selecting between multiple stylesheets, this
+page can be viewed using many of the stylesheets above. For example, if
+using Epiphany with the Select Stylesheet extension enabled, use View ->
+Style. In Firefox or Iceweasel, use View -> Page Style.
+<!-- Page links -->
+ [1]: http://blankoworld.homelinux.com/demo/ikiwiki/blankoblues/src/local.css (Download Blankoblues CSS)
+ [2]: http://blankoworld.homelinux.com/demo/ikiwiki/blankoblues/htdocs/ (Take a tour on Blankoblues Demo)
+ [3]: http://blankoworld.homelinux.com/demo/ikiwiki/blankoblues/blankoblues.tar.gz (Download local.css and templates for Blankoblues theme)
+ [4]: http://blankoworld.homelinux.com/demo/ikiwiki/contraste/src/local.css (Download Contraste CSS)
+ [5]: http://blankoworld.homelinux.com/demo/ikiwiki/contraste/htdocs/ (Take a tour on Contraste Demo)
+ [6]: http://blankoworld.homelinux.com/demo/ikiwiki/contraste/contraste.tar.gz (Download local.css and templates for Contraste theme)