+### sessioncgi
+ hook(type => "sessioncgi", id => "foo", call => \&sessioncgi);
+Unlike the cgi hook, which is run as soon as possible, the sessioncgi hook
+is only run once a session object is available. It is passed both a CGI
+object and a session object. To check if the user is in fact signed in, you
+can check if the session object has a "name" parameter set.
+### canedit
+ hook(type => "canedit", id => "foo", call => \&pagelocked);
+This hook can be used to implement arbitrary access methods to control when
+a page can be edited using the web interface (commits from revision control
+bypass it). When a page is edited, each registered canedit hook is called
+in turn, and passed the page name, a CGI object, and a session object.
+If the hook has no opinion about whether the edit can proceed, return
+`undef`, and the next plugin will be asked to decide. If edit can proceed,
+the hook should return "". If the edit is not allowed by this hook, the
+hook should return an error message for the user to see, or a function
+that can be run to log the user in or perform other action necessary for
+them to be able to edit the page.
+This hook should avoid directly redirecting the user to a signin page,
+since it's sometimes used to test to see which pages in a set of pages a
+user can edit.
+### editcontent
+ hook(type => "editcontent", id => "foo", call => \&editcontent);
+This hook is called when a page is saved (or previewed) using the web
+interface. It is passed named parameters: `content`, `page`, `cgi`, and
+`session`. These are, respectively, the new page content as entered by the
+user, the page name, a `CGI` object, and the user's `CGI::Session`.
+It can modify the content as desired, and should return the content.