+* [Skirv's Wiki](http://wiki.killfile.org) - formerly Skirv's Homepage
+* [Jimmy Tang - personal blog and wiki](http://www.sgenomics.org/~jtang)
+* [Nico Schottelius' homepage](http://www.nico.schottelius.org)
+* [Andreas Zwinkaus homepage](http://beza1e1.tuxen.de)
+* [Salient Dream](http://salient.dre.am)
+* [Walden Effect](http://waldeneffect.org)
+* [Avian Aqua Miser](http://www.avianaquamiser.com/)
+* [Cosmic Cookout](http://www.cosmiccookout.com/)
+* [Backyard Deer](http://www.backyarddeer.com/)
+* [Alex Ghitza homepage and blog](http://aghitza.org/)
+* [Andreas's homepage](http://0x7.ch/) - Ikiwiki, Subversion and CSS template
+* [Chris Dombroski's boring bliki](https://www.icanttype.org/)
+* [Josh Triplett's homepage](http://joshtriplett.org/) - Git backend with the CGI disabled, to publish a static site with the convenience of ikiwiki.
+* [Gustaf Thorslund's blog](http://blog.thorslund.org)
+* [Ertug Karamatli](http://pages.karamatli.com)
+* [Jonatan Walck](http://jonatan.walck.i2p/) a weblog + wiki over [I2P](http://i2p2.de/). Also [mirrored](http://jonatan.walck.se/) to the Internet a few times per day.
+* [Daniel Wayne Armstrong](http://circuidipity.com/)
+* [Mukund](https://mukund.org/)
+* [Nicolas Schodet](http://ni.fr.eu.org/)
+* [weakish](http://weakish.github.com)
+* [Thomas Kane](http://planetkane.org/)
+* [Marco Silva](http://marcot.eti.br/) a weblog + wiki using the [darcs](http://darcs.net) backend
+* [NeX-6](http://nex-6.taht.net/) ikiwiki blog and wiki running over ipv6
+* [Jason Riedy](http://lovesgoodfood.com/jason/), which may occasionally look funny if I'm playing with my branch...
+* [pmate](http://pmate.nfshost.com)'s homepage and [blog](http://pmate.nfshost.com/blog/)
+* [tychoish.com](http://tychoish.com/) - a blog/wiki mashup. blog posts are "rhizomes."
+* [Martin Burmester](http://www.martin-burmester.de/)
+* [Øyvind A. Holm (sunny256)](http://www.sunbase.org) — Read my Ikiwiki praise [here](http://www.sunbase.org/blog/why_ikiwiki/).