+## Demo
+* [HTML page of thumbnails](http://ikialbum.hosted.pseudorandom.co.uk/album/)
+ as an entry point to the album
+* Each thumbnail links to
+ [a "viewer" HTML page](http://ikialbum.hosted.pseudorandom.co.uk/album/img_0120/)
+ with a full size image, optional next/previous thumbnail links, and
+ optional [[plugins/comments]]
+### Altered Demo
+[[!template id=gitbranch branch=cbaines/album]]
+This uses the album plugin, with some altered css, and with the css applied to
+all of the themes.
+* [Simple album, rendered using mutiple themes](http://cbaines.net/projects/ikiwiki/album/dest/basic)
+ using the ikiwiki logo.
+## Installation
+[[!template id=gitbranch branch=smcv/album5 author="[[Simon_McVittie|smcv]]"]]
+Available from [[smcv]]'s git repository, in the `album5` branch.