+>> want to do it on ikiwiki home page site. --Pawel
+>>> This wiki is currently configured to use both passwordauth and openid, so
+>>> it's possible to create an account by signing in with an openid, then
+>>> enter a password for that account, and then log in using the openid and
+>>> the password. Though I can't imagine why you'd waint to do that.. The
+>>> password stuff goes away if passwordauth is disabled.
+>>>> OK, I see it now :) The reason I can't do it (if I don't need it)
+>>>> is very simple: why to put my password in two places if I can to
+>>>> do it in one? ;)
+>>>> BTW, have you had a sleep this night? ;) Here, in Poland, the time is
+>>>> 1:30 PM (in your timezone is 7:30 AM), but we're just discussing for
+>>>> about 3 hours... --Pawel
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