+* [NeoCarz Wiki](http://www.neocarz.com/wiki/) Yes - its actually Ikiwiki behind that! I'm using Nginx and XSL to transform the ikiwiki renderings thanks to the valid XHTML output of ikiwiki. Great work Joey!!
+* [Natalian - Kai Hendry's personal blog](http://natalian.org/)
+* [Mick Pollard aka \_lunix_ - Personal sysadmin blog and wiki](http://www.lunix.com.au)
+* [Skirv's Wiki](http://wiki.killfile.org) - formerly Skirv's Homepage
+* [Jimmy Tang - personal blog and wiki](http://www.sgenomics.org/~jtang)
+* [Nico Schottelius' homepage](http://www.nico.schottelius.org)
+* [Andreas Zwinkaus homepage](http://beza1e1.tuxen.de)
+* [Walden Effect](http://waldeneffect.org)
+* [Avian Aqua Miser](http://www.avianaquamiser.com/)
+* [Cosmic Cookout](http://www.cosmiccookout.com/)
+* [Backyard Deer](http://www.backyarddeer.com/)
+* [Alex Ghitza homepage and blog](http://aghitza.org/)
+* [Andreas's homepage](http://0x7.ch/) - Ikiwiki, Subversion and CSS template
+* [Chris Dombroski's boring bliki](https://www.icanttype.org/)
+* [Josh Triplett's homepage](http://joshtriplett.org/) - Git backend with the CGI disabled, to publish a static site with the convenience of ikiwiki.
+* [Jonatan Walck](http://jonatan.walck.i2p/) a weblog + wiki over [I2P](http://i2p2.de/). Also [mirrored](http://jonatan.walck.se/) to the Internet a few times per day.
+* [Daniel Wayne Armstrong](http://circuidipity.com/)
+* [Mukund](https://mukund.org/)
+* [Nicolas Schodet](http://ni.fr.eu.org/)
+* [weakish](http://weakish.github.com)
+* [Thomas Kane](http://planetkane.org/)
+* [Marco Silva](http://marcot.eti.br/) a weblog + wiki using the [darcs](http://darcs.net) backend
+* [NeX-6](http://nex-6.taht.net/) ikiwiki blog and wiki running over ipv6
+* [Jason Riedy](http://lovesgoodfood.com/jason/), which may occasionally look funny if I'm playing with my branch...
+* [pmate](http://pmate.nfshost.com)'s homepage and [blog](http://pmate.nfshost.com/blog/)
+* [tychoish.com](http://tychoish.com/) - a blog/wiki mashup. blog posts are "rhizomes."
+* [Martin Burmester](http://www.martin-burmester.de/)
+* [Øyvind A. Holm (sunny256)](http://www.sunbase.org) — Read my Ikiwiki praise [here](http://www.sunbase.org/blog/why_ikiwiki/).
+* [Mirco Bauer (meebey)](http://www.meebey.net/)
+* [Richard "RichiH" Hartmann](http://richardhartmann.de/blog) - I thought I had added myself a year ago. Oups :)
+* [Jonas Smedegaard](http://dr.jones.dk/) multilingual "classic" website w/ blog
+* [Siri Reiter](http://sirireiter.dk/) portfolio website with a blog (in danish)
+* [L'Altro Wiki](http://laltromondo.dynalias.net/~iki/) Tutorials, reviews, miscellaneus articles in English and Italian.
+* gregoa's [p.r. - political rants](http://info.comodo.priv.at/pr/)
+* [Michael Hammer](http://www.michael-hammer.at/)
+* [Richardson Family Wiki](http://the4richardsons.com) A wiki, blog or some such nonsense for the family home page or something or other... I will eventually move the rest of my sites to ikiwiki. The source of the site is in git.
+* [The personal website of Andrew Back](http://carrierdetect.com)
+* [SolderPad Documentation](http://docs.solderpad.com)
+* [Paul Elms](http://paul.elms.pro) Personal site and blog in russian.
+* [James' Tech Notes](http://jamestechnotes.com) My technical notes, blog, wiki, personal site.
+* [Salient Dream](http://www.salientdream.com/) - All Things Strange.
+* [Kafe-in.net](https://www.kafe-in.net/) Ugly personnal blog.
+* [Anton Berezin's blog](http://blog.tobez.org/)
+* [Waldgarten]( http://waldgarten.greenonion.org/ ) News and documentation of a permaculture inspired neighbourhood-garden located in Hamburg, Germany.
+* [[OscarMorante]]'s [personal site](http://oscar.morante.eu).
+* [Puckspage]( http://www.puckspage.org/ ) Political and personal blog in German. The name comes from the elf out of midsummer nights dream.