+Update: i made a script, above. And the banlist is much larger now so the above list is pretty much out of date now... --[[anarcat]]
+Another update, 2020: I rewrote the script to support interactive batch approval and running from a cron job. I have published the [script in my own repo](https://gitlab.com/anarcat/scripts/blob/master/ikiwiki-comment-moderation) since it's python (and not perl), but I would be happy to provide it as a patch here if that's acceptable.
+The basic usage is as follows. First, you add the script in a cron job:
+ 9 * * * * /home/anarcat/bin/ikiwiki-comment-moderation --source-dir=$HOME/source/
+This will run every hour. When there are no comments to moderate, the script is silent and you will not get mail. Otherwise you will get something like this:
+ date ip user subject content
+ 2020-05-27T03:42:05Z spammer name subject spammy comment
+ 1 comments pending moderation
+Then you can either go through the web interface to approve/deny the
+comments, or call the script by hand, interactively, for example:
+ w-anarcat@marcos:~/source$ ~anarcat/bin/ikiwiki-comment-moderation --source-dir=$HOME/source -i --verbose
+ Date : 2020-05-27T04:00:23Z
+ Ip :
+ Claimedauthor : spammer name
+ Subject : subject
+ Content : spammy comment
+ approve, delete, ignore? [a/d/I] a
+ moving /home/w-anarcat/source/.ikiwiki/transient/blog/2020-04-27-drowning-camera/comment_1_07f43231a14d0ee6e78d1030aa6a7985._comment_pending to /home/w-anarcat/source/blog/2020-04-27-drowning-camera/comment_1_07f43231a14d0ee6e78d1030aa6a7985._comment
+ adding to git...
+ [master 8f5cb10f] approve comment
+ 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+)
+ create mode 100644 blog/2020-04-27-drowning-camera/comment_1_07f43231a14d0ee6e78d1030aa6a7985._comment
+ Énumération des objets: 8, fait.
+ Décompte des objets: 100% (8/8), fait.
+ Compression par delta en utilisant jusqu'à 12 fils d'exécution
+ Compression des objets: 100% (5/5), fait.
+ Écriture des objets: 100% (5/5), 566 bytes | 566.00 KiB/s, fait.
+ Total 5 (delta 3), réutilisés 0 (delta 0)
+ To /home/w-anarcat/source.git
+ 91669038..8f5cb10f master -> master
+ approved comment
+And you're done! In the above case, the test comment was actually
+approved (by pressing `a`), but you can also hit `d` to just delete
+the comment. The default (`i`) is to ignore the comment.
+I find that this is generally faster than going through a web browser, although to be as fast as the CGI interface, there would need to be a final dialog that says "delete all ignored comments" like in the CGI. Exercise for the reader or, I guess, myself when I got too many junk comments to process...
+Feedback, as usual, welcome. -- [[anarcat]]
+> great stuff, thanks! I've got a similar-ish script that sends me an email summary, but I don't
+> have the CLI stuff myself. What I'd like to see on the web form is: display the IP (or user)
+> responsible for each comment and enable banning them at the same time as moderating the comment.
+> However I'd also like to expand the data attached to the banlist, so it's clear *why* an entry
+> was added (e.g. blog spam), and when — because I would prefer all such bans to be time limited.
+> (implementation wise, this might be easiest achieved if one of the comment plugins was responsible
+> for maintaining a separate data structure with this info which was processed into a ban list to
+> append to the main one.) *—[[Jon]], 2020-11-02*