* The [linuxbierwanderung wiki/homepage](http://www.linuxbierwanderung.org)
* The [Relativistic Programming research wiki](http://wiki.cs.pdx.edu/rp).
* [Debian-IN](http://debian-in.alioth.debian.org/)
+* [Braawi Ltd](http://braawi.com/) and the community site [Braawi.org](http://braawi.org/)
+* [Webconverger.org](http://webconverger.org/)
+* [debian-community.org](http://debian-community.org/)
+* The [cairo graphics library](http://cairographics.org/) website.
+* [Nouvelles Informations Positives Libres community](http://wiki.nipl.net/)
Personal sites and blogs
[asciidoc plugin](http://mowson.org/karl/colophon/).
* [Carl Worth's Boring Web Pages](http://www.cworth.org)
* [Charles Mauch](http://xtermin.us)'s website uses ikiwiki.
+* I keep my personal and project notes in a private ikiwiki - it's the perfect tool for this task. - [h01ger](http://layer-acht.org/)
Please feel free to add your own ikiwiki site!