+package IkiWiki;
use warnings;
use strict;
use IkiWiki;
use Date::Parse qw(str2time);
use Date::Format qw(time2str);
-package IkiWiki;
my $sha1_pattern = qr/[0-9a-fA-F]{40}/; # pattern to validate sha1sums
sub check_config() { #{{{
return undef # success
} #}}}
+sub rcs_commit_staged ($$$) {
+ # Commits all staged changes. Changes can be staged using rcs_add,
+ # rcs_remove, and rcs_rename.
+ my ($message, $user, $ipaddr)=@_;
+ # Note - this will also commit any spurious changes that happen to be
+ # lying around in the working copy. There shouldn't be any, but...
+ check_config();
+ my $author;
+ if (defined $user) {
+ $author="Web user: " . $user;
+ }
+ elsif (defined $ipaddr) {
+ $author="Web IP: " . $ipaddr;
+ }
+ else {
+ $author="Web: Anonymous";
+ }
+ if (system("mtn", "--root=$config{mtnrootdir}", "commit", "--quiet",
+ "--author", $author, "--key", $config{mtnkey}, "-m",
+ possibly_foolish_untaint($message)) != 0) {
+ error("Monotone commit failed");
+ }
sub rcs_add ($) { #{{{
my $file=shift;
} #}}}
+sub rcs_remove ($) { # {{{
+ my $file = shift;
+ check_config();
+ # Note: it is difficult to undo a remove in Monotone at the moment.
+ # Until this is fixed, it might be better to make 'rm' move things
+ # into an attic, rather than actually remove them.
+ # To resurrect a file, you currently add a new file with the contents
+ # you want it to have. This loses all connectivity and automated
+ # merging with the 'pre-delete' versions of the file.
+ if (system("mtn", "--root=$config{mtnrootdir}", "rm", "--quiet",
+ $file) != 0) {
+ error("Monotone remove failed");
+ }
+} #}}}
+sub rcs_rename ($$) { # {{{
+ my ($src, $dest) = @_;
+ check_config();
+ if (system("mtn", "--root=$config{mtnrootdir}", "rename", "--quiet",
+ $src, $dest) != 0) {
+ error("Monotone rename failed");
+ }
+} #}}}
sub rcs_recentchanges ($) { #{{{
my $num=shift;
my @ret;
} #}}}
sub rcs_diff ($) { #{{{
- # TODO
+ my $rev=shift;
+ my ($sha1) = $rev =~ /^($sha1_pattern)$/; # untaint
+ check_config();
+ my $child = open(MTNDIFF, "-|");
+ if (! $child) {
+ exec("mtn", "diff", "--root=$config{mtnrootdir}", "-r", "p:".$sha1, "-r", $sha1) || error("mtn diff $sha1 failed to run");
+ }
+ my (@lines) = <MTNDIFF>;
+ close MTNDIFF || debug("mtn diff $sha1 exited $?");
+ if (wantarray) {
+ return @lines;
+ }
+ else {
+ return join("", @lines);
+ }
} #}}}
sub rcs_getctime ($) { #{{{