+> I looked at the file *page.tmpl* and it seems I may be able to change
+> the trail link location if I edit that file. Would it be a good/possible solution to
+> edit it and put it in the git repo to be used instead of the default one?
+> --[[fr33domlover]]
+>> That's how I intended trails to look with actiontabs:
+>> <http://actiontabs.hosted.pseudorandom.co.uk/posts/second_post/> is
+>> another example.
+>> With the way the actiontabs theme works, if you want to move the
+>> trail bits down into the content area (white background in the
+>> unedited theme) you might have to alter both `page.tmpl`
+>> and the actiontabs CSS. You'll see that the actiontabs CSS
+>> has a special case for trails, because the tabs and the trail
+>> links would overlap otherwise - you might have to remove
+>> that special case. --[[smcv]]
+>>> Thanks, I'll try that. But I've been using those trails in the last
+>>> several hours and I'm beginning to get used to the current
+>>> layout. Maybe I'll just keep it :-)
+>>> (Anyway the way trail links look on my wiki is valid, it's exactly
+>>> like on your link, only with different colors. I suppose it's
+>>> just a cosmetic issue then)
+>>> --[[fr33domlover]]