-#! /usr/bin/perl
# Copyright (c) 2006, 2007 Manoj Srivastava <srivasta@debian.org>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
my $time=time;
my @now=localtime($time);
+my %changed;
sub import {
hook(type => "checkconfig", id => "calendar", call => \&checkconfig);
hook(type => "needsbuild", id => "calendar", call => \&needsbuild);
hook(type => "preprocess", id => "calendar", call => \&preprocess);
hook(type => "scan", id => "calendar", call => \&scan);
+ hook(type => "build_affected", id => "calendar", call => \&build_affected);
+ IkiWiki::loadplugin("transient");
sub getsetup () {
safe => 1,
rebuild => undef,
- calendar_autocreate_commit => {
+ calendar_fill_gaps => {
type => "boolean",
example => 1,
default => 1,
- description => "commit autocreated calendar pages",
+ description => "if set, when building calendar pages, also build pages of year and month when no pages were published (building empty calendars).",
safe => 1,
rebuild => 0,
sub checkconfig () {
if (! defined $config{calendar_autocreate}) {
- $config{calendar_autocreate} = defined $config{archivebase} || defined $config{calendar_autocreate_commit};
- }
- if (! defined $config{calendar_autocreate_commit}) {
- $config{calendar_autocreate_commit} = 1;
+ $config{calendar_autocreate} = defined $config{archivebase};
if (! defined $config{archive_pagespec}) {
$config{archive_pagespec} = '*';
if (! defined $config{archivebase}) {
$config{archivebase} = 'archives';
+ if (! defined $config{calendar_fill_gaps}) {
+ $config{calendar_fill_gaps} = 1;
+ }
sub is_leap_year (@) {
return $days_in_month;
+sub build_affected {
+ my %affected;
+ my ($ayear, $amonth, $valid);
+ foreach my $year (keys %changed) {
+ ($ayear, $valid) = nextyear($year, $config{archivebase});
+ $affected{calendarlink($ayear)} = sprintf(gettext("building calendar for %s, its previous or next year has changed"), $ayear) if ($valid);
+ ($ayear, $valid) = previousyear($year, $config{archivebase});
+ $affected{calendarlink($ayear)} = sprintf(gettext("building calendar for %s, its previous or next year has changed"), $ayear) if ($valid);
+ foreach my $month (keys $changed{$year}) {
+ ($ayear, $amonth, $valid) = nextmonth($year, $month, $config{archivebase});
+ $affected{calendarlink($ayear, sprintf("%02d", $amonth))} = sprintf(gettext("building calendar for %s/%s, its previous or next month has changed"), $amonth, $ayear) if ($valid);
+ ($ayear, $amonth, $valid) = previousmonth($year, $month, $config{archivebase});
+ $affected{calendarlink($ayear, sprintf("%02d", $amonth))} = sprintf(gettext("building calendar for %s/%s, its previous or next month has changed"), $amonth, $ayear) if ($valid);
+ }
+ }
+ return %affected;
sub autocreate {
my ($page, $pagefile, $year, $month) = @_;
my $message=sprintf(gettext("creating calendar page %s"), $page);
$template->param(month => $month) if defined $month;
$template->param(pagespec => $config{archive_pagespec});
- my $dir = $config{srcdir};
- if (! $config{calendar_autocreate_commit}) {
- $dir = $IkiWiki::Plugin::transient::transientdir;
- }
+ my $dir = $IkiWiki::Plugin::transient::transientdir;
writefile($pagefile, $dir, $template->output);
- if ($config{rcs} && $config{calendar_autocreate_commit}) {
- IkiWiki::disable_commit_hook();
- IkiWiki::rcs_add($pagefile);
- IkiWiki::rcs_commit_staged(message => $message);
- IkiWiki::enable_commit_hook();
- }
sub calendarlink($;$) {
+sub gencalendarmonth{
+ my $year = shift;
+ my $month = sprintf("%02d", shift);
+ my $page = calendarlink($year, $month);
+ my $pagefile = newpagefile($page, $config{default_pageext});
+ add_autofile(
+ $pagefile, "calendar",
+ sub {return autocreate($page, $pagefile, $year, $month);}
+ );
sub gencalendaryear {
my $year = shift;
+ my %params = @_;
- if ($config{calendar_autocreate}) {
+ # Building year page
+ my $page = calendarlink($year);
+ my $pagefile = newpagefile($page, $config{default_pageext});
+ add_autofile(
+ $pagefile, "calendar",
+ sub {return autocreate($page, $pagefile, $year);}
+ );
- # Building year page
- my $page = calendarlink($year);
- my $pagefile = newpagefile($page, $config{default_pageext});
- add_autofile(
- $pagefile, "calendar",
- sub {return autocreate($page, $pagefile, $year);}
- );
+ if (not exists $wikistate{calendar}{minyear}) {
+ $wikistate{calendar}{minyear} = $year;
+ }
+ if (not exists $wikistate{calendar}{maxyear}) {
+ $wikistate{calendar}{maxyear} = $year;
+ }
+ if ($config{calendar_fill_gaps}) {
# Building month pages
- foreach my $month (qw{01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12}) {
- my $page = calendarlink($year, $month);
- my $pagefile = newpagefile($page, $config{default_pageext});
- add_autofile(
- $pagefile, "calendar",
- sub {return autocreate($page, $pagefile, $year, $month);}
- );
+ foreach my $month (1 .. 12) {
+ gencalendarmonth($year, $month);
# Filling potential gaps in years (e.g. calendar goes from 2010 to 2014,
- # and we just added year 2005. We have to had years 2006 to 2009.
- if (not exists $wikistate{calendar}{minyear}) {
+ # and we just added year 2005. We have to add years 2006 to 2009).
+ return if $params{norecurse};
+ if ($wikistate{calendar}{minyear} > $year) {
+ foreach my $other ($year + 1 .. $wikistate{calendar}{minyear} - 1) {
+ gencalendaryear($other, norecurse => 1);
+ }
$wikistate{calendar}{minyear} = $year;
- } elsif ($wikistate{calendar}{minyear} > $year) {
- gencalendaryear($year + 1);
- $wikistate{calendar}{minyear} -= 1;
- if (not exists $wikistate{calendar}{maxyear}) {
+ if ($wikistate{calendar}{maxyear} < $year) {
+ foreach my $other ($wikistate{calendar}{maxyear} + 1 .. $year - 1) {
+ gencalendaryear($other, norecurse => 1);
+ }
$wikistate{calendar}{maxyear} = $year;
- if ($wikistate{calendar}{maxyear} < $year) {
- gencalendaryear($year - 1);
- $wikistate{calendar}{maxyear} += 1;
+ }
+ if ($year < $wikistate{calendar}{minyear}) {
+ $wikistate{calendar}{minyear} = $year;
+ }
+ if ($year > $wikistate{calendar}{maxyear}) {
+ $wikistate{calendar}{maxyear} = $year;
+ }
+sub previousmonth($$$) {
+ my $year = shift;
+ my $month = shift;
+ my $archivebase = shift;
+ if (not exists $wikistate{calendar}{minyear}) {
+ $wikistate{calendar}{minyear} = $year;
+ }
+ my $pmonth = $month;
+ my $pyear = $year;
+ while ((not exists $pagesources{"$archivebase/$pyear/" . sprintf("%02d", $pmonth)}) or ($pmonth == $month and $pyear == $year)) {
+ $pmonth -= 1;
+ if ($pmonth == 0) {
+ $pyear -= 1;
+ $pmonth = 12;
+ return ($pyear, $pmonth, 0) unless $pyear >= $wikistate{calendar}{minyear};
+ return ($pyear, $pmonth, 1);
+sub nextmonth($$$) {
+ my $year = shift;
+ my $month = shift;
+ my $archivebase = shift;
+ if (not exists $wikistate{calendar}{maxyear}) {
+ $wikistate{calendar}{maxyear} = $year;
+ }
+ my $nmonth = $month;
+ my $nyear = $year;
+ while ((not exists $pagesources{"$archivebase/$nyear/" . sprintf("%02d", $nmonth)}) or ($nmonth == $month and $nyear == $year)) {
+ $nmonth += 1;
+ if ($nmonth == 13) {
+ $nyear += 1;
+ $nmonth = 1;
+ return ($nyear, $nmonth, 0) unless $nyear <= $wikistate{calendar}{maxyear};
+ }
+ }
+ return ($nyear, $nmonth, 1);
+sub previousyear($$) {
+ my $year = shift;
+ my $archivebase = shift;
+ my $pyear = $year - 1;
+ while (not exists $pagesources{"$archivebase/$pyear"}) {
+ $pyear -= 1;
+ return ($pyear, 0) unless ($pyear >= $wikistate{calendar}{minyear});
+ }
+ return ($pyear, 1);
+sub nextyear($$) {
+ my $year = shift;
+ my $archivebase = shift;
+ my $nyear = $year + 1;
+ while (not exists $pagesources{"$archivebase/$nyear"}) {
+ $nyear += 1;
+ return ($nyear, 0) unless ($nyear <= $wikistate{calendar}{maxyear});
+ }
+ return ($nyear, 1);
sub format_month (@) {
push(@{$linkcache{"$year/$mtag/$mday"}}, $p);
- my $pmonth = $params{month} - 1;
- my $nmonth = $params{month} + 1;
- my $pyear = $params{year};
- my $nyear = $params{year};
- # Adjust for January and December
- if ($params{month} == 1) {
- $pmonth = 12;
- $pyear--;
- }
- if ($params{month} == 12) {
- $nmonth = 1;
- $nyear++;
- }
+ my $archivebase = 'archives';
+ $archivebase = $config{archivebase} if defined $config{archivebase};
+ $archivebase = $params{archivebase} if defined $params{archivebase};
+ my ($pyear, $pmonth, $pvalid) = previousmonth($params{year}, $params{month}, $archivebase);
+ my ($nyear, $nmonth, $nvalid) = nextmonth($params{year}, $params{month}, $archivebase);
# Add padding.
$pmonth=sprintf("%02d", $pmonth);
my $pmonthname=strftime_utf8("%B", localtime(timelocal(0,0,0,1,$pmonth-1,$pyear-1900)));
my $nmonthname=strftime_utf8("%B", localtime(timelocal(0,0,0,1,$nmonth-1,$nyear-1900)));
- my $archivebase = 'archives';
- $archivebase = $config{archivebase} if defined $config{archivebase};
- $archivebase = $params{archivebase} if defined $params{archivebase};
# Calculate URL's for monthly archives.
my ($url, $purl, $nurl)=("$monthname $params{year}",'','');
if (exists $pagesources{"$archivebase/$params{year}/$params{month}"}) {
my $calendar="\n";
+ my $archivebase = 'archives';
+ $archivebase = $config{archivebase} if defined $config{archivebase};
+ $archivebase = $params{archivebase} if defined $params{archivebase};
- my $pyear = $params{year} - 1;
- my $nyear = $params{year} + 1;
+ my ($pyear, $pvalid) = previousyear($params{year}, $archivebase);
+ my ($nyear, $nvalid) = nextyear($params{year}, $archivebase);
my $thisyear = $now[5]+1900;
my $future_month = 0;
$future_month = $now[4]+1 if $params{year} == $thisyear;
- my $archivebase = 'archives';
- $archivebase = $config{archivebase} if defined $config{archivebase};
- $archivebase = $params{archivebase} if defined $params{archivebase};
# calculate URL's for previous and next years
my ($url, $purl, $nurl)=("$params{year}",'','');
if (exists $pagesources{"$archivebase/$params{year}"}) {
$params{month} = sprintf("%02d", $params{month});
+ $changed{$params{year}}{$params{month}} = 1;
if ($params{type} eq 'month' && $params{year} == $thisyear
&& $params{month} == $thismonth) {
my %params=@_;
my $page=$params{page};
+ return unless $config{calendar_autocreate};
# Check if year pages have to be generated
if (pagespec_match($page, $config{archive_pagespec})) {
my @ctime = localtime($IkiWiki::pagectime{$page});
+ gencalendarmonth($ctime[5]+1900, $ctime[4]+1);