* [This wiki](http://ikiwiki.info) (of course!)
-* [UK Software Patents info page](http://www.softwarepatents.co.uk/)
* [Planet Debian upstream](http://updo.debian.net/)
* The [ion window manager homepage](http://modeemi.fi/~tuomov/ion/)
* [Debian Mentors wiki](http://jameswestby.net/mentors/)
* The [Debian Packaging Handbook project](http://packaging-handbook.alioth.debian.org/wiki/)
* The [libkdtree project](http://libkdtree.alioth.debian.org)
* The [pcc](http://pcc.ludd.ltu.se/) (Portable C Compiler) project. (Simple rcs backend)
-* [The TOVA Company](http://www.tovatest.com) public site. We also use it for internal documentation and issue tracking, all with a [[rcs/Git]] backend.
+* [The TOVA Company](http://www.tovatest.com) public site. We also use it for internal documentation and issue tracking, all with a [[rcs/Git]] backend.
* Technical support websites for [Homebase](http://support.homebase.dk) and [Kaospilotene](http://support.kaospilot.no) (each with [source](http://source.homebase.dk/) [provided](http://source.kaospilot.no/))
* [CampusGrün Hamburg](http://www.campusgruen.org/)
* The [awesome window manager homepage](http://awesome.naquadah.org/)