error(gettext("bad page name"));
- my $baseurl = urlto($page, undef, 1);
$form->title(sprintf(gettext("commenting on %s"),
- IkiWiki::pagetitle($page)));
+ IkiWiki::pagetitle(IkiWiki::basename($page))));
htmllink($page, $page, 'ikiwiki/formatting',
if ($form->submitted eq CANCEL) {
# bounce back to the page they wanted to comment on, and exit.
- # CANCEL need not be considered in future
- IkiWiki::redirect($cgi, urlto($page, undef));
+ IkiWiki::redirect($cgi, urlto($page));
# Jump to the new comment on the page.
# The trailing question mark tries to avoid broken
# caches and get the most recent version of the page.
- IkiWiki::redirect($cgi, urlto($page, undef).
+ IkiWiki::redirect($cgi, urlto($page).
else {
- IkiWiki::showform ($form, \@buttons, $session, $cgi,
- forcebaseurl => $baseurl, page => $page);
+ IkiWiki::showform_preview($form, \@buttons, $session, $cgi,
+ page => $page);
sid => $session->id,
comments => \@comments,
+ cgiurl => IkiWiki::cgiurl(),
my $out=$template->output;
if ($shown) {
if ($template->query(name => 'commentsurl')) {
$template->param(commentsurl =>
- urlto($page, undef, 1).'#comments');
+ urlto($page).'#comments');
if ($template->query(name => 'atomcommentsurl') && $config{usedirs}) {
# This will 404 until there are some comments, but I
# think that's probably OK...
$template->param(atomcommentsurl =>
- urlto($page, undef, 1).'comments.atom');
+ urlto($page).'comments.atom');
if ($template->query(name => 'commentslink')) {