News for ikiwiki 3.20160506:
To mitigate [[!cve CVE-2016-3714]] and similar ImageMagick security vulnerabilities,
- the `[[!img]]` directive is now restricted to these common web formats by
+ the `\[[!img]]` directive is now restricted to these common web formats by
* JPEG (`.jpg`, `.jpeg`)
* PNG (`.png`)
* GIF (`.gif`)
* SVG (`.svg`)
(In particular, by default resizing PDF files is no longer allowed.)
Additionally, resized SVG files are displayed in the browser as SVG
instead of being converted to PNG.
If all users who can attach images are fully trusted, this restriction
can be removed with the new img\_allowed\_formats setup option.
See [[ikiwiki/directive/img]] for more details.
[[!toggleable text="""
* [ [[Simon McVittie|smcv]] ]
* HTML-escape error messages, in one case avoiding potential cross-site
- scripting (OVE-20160505-0012)
+ scripting ([[!cve CVE-2016-4561]], OVE-20160505-0012)
* Mitigate ImageMagick vulnerabilities such as CVE-2016-3714:
- img: force common Web formats to be interpreted according to extension,
so that "allowed\_attachments: '*.jpg'" does what one might expect