# Sandbox
+[[!pagestats pages="/tags/*"]]
[[!sidebar content="dfdsfsf""
This is my custom sidebar for this page.
* Cool !
* Indeed.
+[[new link]]
### this shows a problem with the list and the verbatim
[[!tag tech life linux]]
[[!taglink tech life linux]]
-A poll:
-[[!poll 4 "red" 3 "green" 2 "blue" 3 "purple"]]
[[!toggle id="ipsum" text="show"]]
[[!inline pages="sandbox/* and !*/Discussion" rootpage="sandbox" show="4" archive="yes"]]a
+[[!format verilog """
+module vc_Mux2 #( parameter W = 1 )
+ input [W-1:0] in0, in1,
+ input sel,
+ output reg [W-1:0] out
+ always @(*)
+ begin
+ case ( sel )
+ 1'd0 : out = in0;
+ 1'd1 : out = in1;
+ default : out = {W{1'bx}};
+ endcase
+ end