adminuser => undef,
adminemail => undef,
plugin => [qw{mdwn link inline htmlscrubber passwordauth openid
- signinedit lockedit conditional recentchanges}],
+ signinedit lockedit conditional recentchanges
+ parentlinks}],
libdir => undef,
timeformat => '%c',
locale => undef,
# Ensure url is not an empty link, and
# if it's relative, make that explicit to avoid colon confusion.
- if ($url !~ /\//) {
+ if ($url !~ /^\//) {
*)? # 0 or more parameters
\]\] # directive closed
- } else {
+ }
+ else {
$regex = qr{
(\\?) # 1: escape?
\[\[(!?) # directive open; 2: optional prefix