use File::Spec;
use IkiWiki;
-sub linkify ($$) { #{{{
- my $content=shift;
+sub linkify ($$$) { #{{{
+ my $lpage=shift;
my $page=shift;
+ my $content=shift;
$content =~ s{(\\?)$config{wiki_link_regexp}}{
- $2 ? ( $1 ? "[[$2|$3]]" : htmllink($page, titlepage($3), 0, 0, pagetitle($2)))
- : ( $1 ? "[[$3]]" : htmllink($page, titlepage($3)))
+ $2 ? ( $1 ? "[[$2|$3]]" : htmllink($lpage, $page, titlepage($3), 0, 0, pagetitle($2)))
+ : ( $1 ? "[[$3]]" : htmllink($lpage, $page, titlepage($3)))
return $content;
} #}}}
-my $_scrubber;
-sub scrubber { #{{{
- return $_scrubber if defined $_scrubber;
- eval q{use HTML::Scrubber};
- # Lists based on
- $_scrubber = HTML::Scrubber->new(
- allow => [qw{
- a abbr acronym address area b big blockquote br
- button caption center cite code col colgroup dd del
- dfn dir div dl dt em fieldset font form h1 h2 h3 h4
- h5 h6 hr i img input ins kbd label legend li map
- menu ol optgroup option p pre q s samp select small
- span strike strong sub sup table tbody td textarea
- tfoot th thead tr tt u ul var
- }],
- default => [undef, { map { $_ => 1 } qw{
- abbr accept accept-charset accesskey action
- align alt axis border cellpadding cellspacing
- char charoff charset checked cite class
- clear cols colspan color compact coords
- datetime dir disabled enctype for frame
- headers height href hreflang hspace id ismap
- label lang longdesc maxlength media method
- multiple name nohref noshade nowrap prompt
- readonly rel rev rows rowspan rules scope
- selected shape size span src start summary
- tabindex target title type usemap valign
- value vspace width
- }}],
- );
- return $_scrubber;
-} # }}}
sub htmlize ($$) { #{{{
my $type=shift;
my $content=shift;
$blosxom::version="is a proper perl module too much to ask?";
use warnings 'all';
do "/usr/bin/markdown";
+ require Encode;
if ($type eq '.mdwn') {
- $content=Markdown::Markdown($content);
+ # Markdown does character based stuff that does not work
+ # well with utf-8 strings.
+ $content=Encode::decode_utf8(Markdown::Markdown(Encode::encode_utf8($content)));
else {
error("htmlization of $type not supported");
- if ($config{sanitize}) {
- $content=scrubber()->scrub($content);
+ if (exists $hooks{sanitize}) {
+ foreach my $id (keys %{$hooks{sanitize}}) {
+ $content=$hooks{sanitize}{$id}{call}->($content);
+ }
return $content;
} #}}}
sub genpage ($$$) { #{{{
- my $content=shift;
my $page=shift;
+ my $content=shift;
my $mtime=shift;
my $title=pagetitle(basename($page));
my $template=HTML::Template->new(blind_cache => 1,
filename => "$config{templatedir}/page.tmpl");
+ my $actions=0;
if (length $config{cgiurl}) {
$template->param(editurl => cgiurl(do => "edit", page => $page));
$template->param(prefsurl => cgiurl(do => "prefs"));
if ($config{rcs}) {
$template->param(recentchangesurl => cgiurl(do => "recentchanges"));
+ $actions++;
if (length $config{historyurl}) {
my $u=$config{historyurl};
$template->param(historyurl => $u);
+ $actions++;
+ }
+ if ($config{discussion}) {
+ $template->param(discussionlink => htmllink($page, $page, "Discussion", 1, 1));
+ $actions++;
+ }
+ if ($actions) {
+ $template->param(have_actions => 1);
+ }
+ if (exists $hooks{pagetemplate}) {
+ foreach my $id (keys %{$hooks{pagetemplate}}) {
+ $hooks{pagetemplate}{$id}{call}->($page, $template);
+ }
- $template->param(headercontent => $config{headercontent});
title => $title,
parentlinks => [parentlinks($page)],
content => $content,
backlinks => [backlinks($page)],
- discussionlink => htmllink($page, "Discussion", 1, 1),
- mtime => scalar(gmtime($mtime)),
+ mtime => displaytime($mtime),
styleurl => styleurl($page),
} #}}}
+sub displaytime ($) { #{{{
+ my $time=shift;
+ if ($config{timeformat} eq '%c') {
+ return scalar(localtime($time)); # optimisation
+ }
+ else {
+ eval q{use POSIX};
+ return POSIX::strftime($config{timeformat}, localtime($time));
+ }
+} #}}}
sub mtime ($) { #{{{
my $file=shift;
} #}}}
sub findlinks ($$) { #{{{
- my $content=shift;
my $page=shift;
+ my $content=shift;
my @links;
while ($content =~ /(?<!\\)$config{wiki_link_regexp}/g) {
push @links, titlepage($2);
- # Discussion links are a special case since they're not in the text
- # of the page, but on its template.
- return @links, "$page/discussion";
+ if ($config{discussion}) {
+ # Discussion links are a special case since they're not in the
+ # text of the page, but on its template.
+ return @links, "$page/discussion";
+ }
+ else {
+ return @links;
+ }
} #}}}
sub render ($) { #{{{
- $links{$page}=[findlinks($content, $page)];
+ $links{$page}=[findlinks($page, $content)];
- $content=linkify($content, $page);
+ $content=linkify($page, $page, $content);
$content=preprocess($page, $content);
$content=htmlize($type, $content);
check_overwrite("$config{destdir}/".htmlpage($page), $page);
writefile(htmlpage($page), $config{destdir},
- genpage($content, $page, mtime($srcfile)));
+ genpage($page, $content, mtime($srcfile)));
push @add, $file;
- $pagectime{$page}=mtime(srcfile($file))
- unless exists $pagectime{$page};
+ if ($config{getctime} && -e "$config{srcdir}/$file") {
+ $pagectime{$page}=rcs_getctime("$config{srcdir}/$file");
+ }
+ elsif (! exists $pagectime{$page}) {
+ $pagectime{$page}=mtime(srcfile($file));
+ }
my @del;