-=head1 Page state
-If a page C<$T> is a trail, then it can have
-=item * C<$pagestate{$T}{trail}{contents}>
-Reference to an array of pagespecs or links in the trail.
-=item * C<$pagestate{$T}{trail}{sort}>
-A [[ikiwiki/pagespec/sorting]] order; if absent or undef, the trail is in
-the order given by the links that form it
-=item * C<$pagestate{$T}{trail}{circular}>
-True if this trail is circular (i.e. going "next" from the last item is
-allowed, and takes you back to the first)
-=item * C<$pagestate{$T}{trail}{reverse}>
-True if C<sort> is to be reversed.
-If a page C<$M> is a member of a trail C<$T>, then it has
-=item * C<$pagestate{$M}{trail}{item}{$T}[0]>
-The page before this one in C<$T> at the last rebuild, or undef.
-=item * C<$pagestate{$M}{trail}{item}{$T}[1]>
-The page after this one in C<$T> at the last refresh, or undef.
+# Page state
+# If a page $T is a trail, then it can have
+# * $pagestate{$T}{trail}{contents}
+# Reference to an array of lists each containing either:
+# - [link, "link"]
+# A link specification, pointing to the same page that [[link]]
+# would select
+# - [pagespec, "posts/*", "age", 0]
+# A match by pagespec; the third array element is the sort order
+# and the fourth is whether to reverse sorting
+# * $pagestate{$T}{trail}{sort}
+# A sorting order; if absent or undef, the trail is in the order given
+# by the links that form it
+# * $pagestate{$T}{trail}{circular}
+# True if this trail is circular (i.e. going "next" from the last item is
+# allowed, and takes you back to the first)
+# * $pagestate{$T}{trail}{reverse}
+# True if C<sort> is to be reversed.
+# If a page $M is a member of a trail $T, then it has
+# * $pagestate{$M}{trail}{item}{$T}[0]
+# The page before this one in C<$T> at the last rebuild, or undef.
+# * $pagestate{$M}{trail}{item}{$T}[1]
+# The page after this one in C<$T> at the last refresh, or undef.