* [AntPortal](http://antportal.com/wiki/) - also see our templates and themes on [github](https://github.com/AntPortal/ikiwiked)
* [The Amnesic Incognito Live System](https://tails.boum.org/index.en.html)
* [The Progress Linux OS wiki](http://wiki.progress-linux.org/)
+* [Oxford Computer Society](http://www.ox.compsoc.net/)
Personal sites and blogs
* [Mirco Bauer (meebey)](http://www.meebey.net/)
* [Richard "RichiH" Hartmann](http://richardhartmann.de/blog) - I thought I had added myself a year ago. Oups :)
* [Jonas Smedegaard](http://dr.jones.dk/) multilingual "classic" website w/ blog
+* [Siri Reiter](http://sirireiter.dk/) portfolio website with a blog (in danish)
+* [L'Altro Wiki](http://laltromondo.dynalias.net/~iki/) Tutorials, reviews, miscellaneus articles in English and Italian, from the IRC network syrolnet.org
+* [STUPiD](http://lhzhang.com/)
+* gregoa's [p.r. - political rants](http://info.comodo.priv.at/pr/)