use Encode;
use open qw{:utf8 :std};
-sub import { #{{{
+sub import {
hook(type => "checkconfig", id => "bzr", call => \&checkconfig);
hook(type => "getsetup", id => "bzr", call => \&getsetup);
hook(type => "rcs", id => "rcs_update", call => \&rcs_update);
hook(type => "rcs", id => "rcs_recentchanges", call => \&rcs_recentchanges);
hook(type => "rcs", id => "rcs_diff", call => \&rcs_diff);
hook(type => "rcs", id => "rcs_getctime", call => \&rcs_getctime);
-} #}}}
+ hook(type => "rcs", id => "rcs_getmtime", call => \&rcs_getmtime);
-sub checkconfig () { #{{{
+sub checkconfig () {
if (defined $config{bzr_wrapper} && length $config{bzr_wrapper}) {
push @{$config{wrappers}}, {
wrapper => $config{bzr_wrapper},
wrappermode => (defined $config{bzr_wrappermode} ? $config{bzr_wrappermode} : "06755"),
-} #}}}
-sub getsetup () { #{{{
+sub getsetup () {
+ plugin => {
+ safe => 0, # rcs plugin
+ rebuild => undef,
+ section => "rcs",
+ },
bzr_wrapper => {
type => "string",
#example => "", # FIXME add example
- description => "bzr post-commit executable to generate",
+ description => "bzr post-commit hook to generate",
safe => 0, # file
rebuild => 0,
safe => 1,
rebuild => 1,
-} #}}}
-sub bzr_log ($) { #{{{
+sub bzr_log ($) {
my $out = shift;
my @infos = ();
my $key = undef;
+ my %info;
while (<$out>) {
my $line = $_;
my ($value);
if ($line =~ /^message:/) {
$key = "message";
- $infos[$#infos]{$key} = "";
+ $info{$key} = "";
elsif ($line =~ /^(modified|added|renamed|renamed and modified|removed):/) {
$key = "files";
- unless (defined($infos[$#infos]{$key})) { $infos[$#infos]{$key} = ""; }
+ $info{$key} = "" unless defined $info{$key};
elsif (defined($key) and $line =~ /^ (.*)/) {
- $infos[$#infos]{$key} .= "$1\n";
+ $info{$key} .= "$1\n";
elsif ($line eq "------------------------------------------------------------\n") {
+ push @infos, {%info} if keys %info;
+ %info = ();
$key = undef;
- push (@infos, {});
- else {
+ elsif ($line =~ /: /) {
chomp $line;
+ if ($line =~ /^revno: (\d+)/) {
+ $key = "revno";
+ $value = $1;
+ }
+ else {
($key, $value) = split /: +/, $line, 2;
- $infos[$#infos]{$key} = $value;
- }
+ }
+ $info{$key} = $value;
+ }
close $out;
+ push @infos, {%info} if keys %info;
return @infos;
-} #}}}
-sub rcs_update () { #{{{
+sub rcs_update () {
my @cmdline = ("bzr", "update", "--quiet", $config{srcdir});
if (system(@cmdline) != 0) {
warn "'@cmdline' failed: $!";
-} #}}}
-sub rcs_prepedit ($) { #{{{
+sub rcs_prepedit ($) {
return "";
-} #}}}
-sub bzr_author ($$) { #{{{
+sub bzr_author ($$) {
my ($user, $ipaddr) = @_;
if (defined $user) {
else {
return "Anonymous";
-} #}}}
-sub rcs_commit ($$$;$$) { #{{{
- my ($file, $message, $rcstoken, $user, $ipaddr) = @_;
+sub rcs_commit ($$$;$$$) {
+ my ($file, $message, $rcstoken, $user, $ipaddr, $emailuser) = @_;
$user = bzr_author($user, $ipaddr);
return undef; # success
-} #}}}
-sub rcs_commit_staged ($$$) {
+sub rcs_commit_staged ($$$;$) {
# Commits all staged changes. Changes can be staged using rcs_add,
# rcs_remove, and rcs_rename.
- my ($message, $user, $ipaddr)=@_;
+ my ($message, $user, $ipaddr, $emailuser)=@_;
$user = bzr_author($user, $ipaddr);
return undef; # success
-} #}}}
-sub rcs_add ($) { # {{{
+sub rcs_add ($) {
my ($file) = @_;
my @cmdline = ("bzr", "add", "--quiet", "$config{srcdir}/$file");
if (system(@cmdline) != 0) {
warn "'@cmdline' failed: $!";
-} #}}}
-sub rcs_remove ($) { # {{{
+sub rcs_remove ($) {
my ($file) = @_;
my @cmdline = ("bzr", "rm", "--force", "--quiet", "$config{srcdir}/$file");
if (system(@cmdline) != 0) {
warn "'@cmdline' failed: $!";
-} #}}}
-sub rcs_rename ($$) { # {{{
+sub rcs_rename ($$) {
my ($src, $dest) = @_;
my $parent = IkiWiki::dirname($dest);
if (system(@cmdline) != 0) {
warn "'@cmdline' failed: $!";
-} #}}}
-sub rcs_recentchanges ($) { #{{{
+sub rcs_recentchanges ($) {
my ($num) = @_;
my @cmdline = ("bzr", "log", "-v", "--show-ids", "--limit", $num,
foreach my $info (bzr_log($out)) {
my @pages = ();
my @message = ();
foreach my $msgline (split(/\n/, $info->{message})) {
push @message, { line => $msgline };
rev => $info->{"revno"},
user => $user,
committype => "bzr",
- when => time - str2time($info->{"timestamp"}),
+ when => str2time($info->{"timestamp"}),
message => [@message],
pages => [@pages],
return @ret;
-} #}}}
-sub rcs_getctime ($) { #{{{
- my ($file) = @_;
+sub rcs_diff ($) {
+ my $taintedrev=shift;
+ my ($rev) = $taintedrev =~ /^(\d+(\.\d+)*)$/; # untaint
- # XXX filename passes through the shell here, should try to avoid
- # that just in case
- my @cmdline = ("bzr", "log", "--limit", '1', "$config{srcdir}/$file");
+ my $prevspec = "before:" . $rev;
+ my $revspec = "revno:" . $rev;
+ my @cmdline = ("bzr", "diff", "--old", $config{srcdir},
+ "--new", $config{srcdir},
+ "-r", $prevspec . ".." . $revspec);
open (my $out, "@cmdline |");
+ my @lines = <$out>;
+ if (wantarray) {
+ return @lines;
+ }
+ else {
+ return join("", @lines);
+ }
+sub extract_timestamp (@) {
+ open (my $out, "-|", @_);
my @log = bzr_log($out);
if (length @log < 1) {
eval q{use Date::Parse};
error($@) if $@;
- my $ctime = str2time($log[0]->{"timestamp"});
- return $ctime;
-} #}}}
+ my $time = str2time($log[0]->{"timestamp"});
+ return $time;
+sub rcs_getctime ($) {
+ my ($file) = @_;
+ my @cmdline = ("bzr", "log", "--forward", "--limit", '1', "$config{srcdir}/$file");
+ return extract_timestamp(@cmdline);
+sub rcs_getmtime ($) {
+ my ($file) = @_;
+ my @cmdline = ("bzr", "log", "--limit", '1', "$config{srcdir}/$file");
+ return extract_timestamp(@cmdline);