* [Per Bothner's blog](http://per.bothner.com/blog/)
* [Bernd Zeimetz (bzed)](http://bzed.de/)
* [Gaudenz Steinlin](http://gaudenz.durcheinandertal.ch)
-* [Simon Kjika'qawej C.](http://simonraven.kisikew.org/) - several other sites, too.
+* [Simon C.](http://simon.kisikew.org/) - several other sites, too.
* [NeoCarz Wiki](http://www.neocarz.com/wiki/) Yes - its actually Ikiwiki behind that! I'm using Nginx and XSL to transform the ikiwiki renderings thanks to the valid XHTML output of ikiwiki. Great work Joey!!
* [Natalian - Kai Hendry's personal blog](http://natalian.org/)
* [Mick Pollard aka \_lunix_ - Personal sysadmin blog and wiki](http://www.lunix.com.au)
* gregoa's [p.r. - political rants](http://info.comodo.priv.at/pr/)
* [Michael Hammer](http://www.michael-hammer.at/)
* [Richardson Family Wiki](http://the4richardsons.com) A wiki, blog or some such nonsense for the family home page or something or other... I will eventually move the rest of my sites to ikiwiki. The source of the site is in git.
+* [The personal website of Andrew Back](http://carrierdetect.com)
+* [SolderPad Documentation](http://docs.solderpad.com)