-[hlinclude](https://wiebel.scorpius.uberspace.de/space/hlinclude/) -> addition to highlight to render a files content and provide it as a download, example can be seen at [favlinks](https://wiebel.scorpius.uberspace.de/code/favlink/), sadly it seem to be unable to render itself, meh
-[favlinks](https://wiebel.scorpius.uberspace.de/code/favlink/) -> to include favicons off linked Pages
+* [hlinclude](https://wiebel.scorpius.uberspace.de/space/hlinclude/) -> addition to highlight to render a files content and provide it as a download, example can be seen at [favlinks](https://wiebel.scorpius.uberspace.de/code/favlink/), sadly it seem to be unable to render itself, meh
+* [favlinks](https://wiebel.scorpius.uberspace.de/code/favlink/) -> to include favicons off linked Pages