+ eval q{use CGI::FormBuilder};
+ my $form = CGI::FormBuilder->new(
+ title => "$config{wikiname} signin",
+ fields => [qw(do page from name password confirm_password email)],
+ header => 1,
+ method => 'POST',
+ validate => {
+ confirm_password => {
+ perl => q{eq $form->field("password")},
+ },
+ email => 'EMAIL',
+ },
+ required => 'NONE',
+ javascript => 0,
+ params => $q,
+ action => $q->request_uri,
+ header => 0,
+ template => (-e "$config{templatedir}/signin.tmpl" ?
+ "$config{templatedir}/signin.tmpl" : "")
+ );
+ $form->field(name => "name", required => 0);
+ $form->field(name => "do", type => "hidden");
+ $form->field(name => "page", type => "hidden");
+ $form->field(name => "from", type => "hidden");
+ $form->field(name => "password", type => "password", required => 0);
+ $form->field(name => "confirm_password", type => "password", required => 0);
+ $form->field(name => "email", required => 0);
+ if ($q->param("do") ne "signin") {
+ $form->text("You need to log in before you can edit pages.");
+ }
+ if ($form->submitted) {
+ # Set required fields based on how form was submitted.
+ my %required=(
+ "Login" => [qw(name password)],
+ "Register" => [qw(name password confirm_password email)],
+ "Mail Password" => [qw(name)],
+ );
+ foreach my $opt (@{$required{$form->submitted}}) {
+ $form->field(name => $opt, required => 1);
+ }
+ # Validate password differently depending on how
+ # form was submitted.
+ if ($form->submitted eq 'Login') {
+ $form->field(
+ name => "password",
+ validate => sub {
+ length $form->field("name") &&
+ shift eq userinfo_get($form->field("name"), 'password');
+ },
+ );
+ $form->field(name => "name", validate => '/^\w+$/');
+ }
+ else {
+ $form->field(name => "password", validate => 'VALUE');
+ }
+ # And make sure the entered name exists when logging
+ # in or sending email, and does not when registering.
+ if ($form->submitted eq 'Register') {
+ $form->field(
+ name => "name",
+ validate => sub {
+ my $name=shift;
+ length $name &&
+ ! userinfo_get($name, "regdate");
+ },
+ );
+ }
+ else {
+ $form->field(
+ name => "name",
+ validate => sub {
+ my $name=shift;
+ length $name &&
+ userinfo_get($name, "regdate");
+ },
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ # First time settings.
+ $form->field(name => "name", comment => "use FirstnameLastName");
+ $form->field(name => "confirm_password", comment => "(only needed");
+ $form->field(name => "email", comment => "for registration)");
+ if ($session->param("name")) {
+ $form->field(name => "name", value => $session->param("name"));
+ }
+ }
+ if ($form->submitted && $form->validate) {
+ if ($form->submitted eq 'Login') {
+ $session->param("name", $form->field("name"));
+ if (defined $form->field("do") &&
+ $form->field("do") ne 'signin') {
+ print $q->redirect(
+ "$config{cgiurl}?do=".$form->field("do").
+ "&page=".$form->field("page").
+ "&from=".$form->field("from"));;
+ }
+ else {
+ print $q->redirect($config{url});
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($form->submitted eq 'Register') {
+ my $user_name=$form->field('name');
+ if (userinfo_set($user_name, {
+ 'email' => $form->field('email'),
+ 'password' => $form->field('password'),
+ 'regdate' => time
+ })) {
+ $form->field(name => "confirm_password", type => "hidden");
+ $form->field(name => "email", type => "hidden");
+ $form->text("Registration successful. Now you can Login.");
+ print $session->header();
+ print misctemplate($form->title, $form->render(submit => ["Login"]));
+ }
+ else {
+ error("Error saving registration.");
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($form->submitted eq 'Mail Password') {
+ my $user_name=$form->field("name");
+ my $template=HTML::Template->new(
+ filename => "$config{templatedir}/passwordmail.tmpl"
+ );
+ $template->param(
+ user_name => $user_name,
+ user_password => userinfo_get($user_name, "password"),
+ wikiurl => $config{url},
+ wikiname => $config{wikiname},
+ );
+ eval q{use Mail::Sendmail};
+ my ($fromhost) = $config{cgiurl} =~ m!/([^/]+)!;
+ sendmail(
+ To => userinfo_get($user_name, "email"),
+ From => "$config{wikiname} admin <".(getpwuid($>))[0]."@".$fromhost.">",
+ Subject => "$config{wikiname} information",
+ Message => $template->output,
+ ) or error("Failed to send mail");
+ $form->text("Your password has been emailed to you.");
+ $form->field(name => "name", required => 0);
+ print $session->header();
+ print misctemplate($form->title, $form->render(submit => ["Login", "Register", "Mail Password"]));
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ print $session->header();
+ print misctemplate($form->title, $form->render(submit => ["Login", "Register", "Mail Password"]));
+ }
+} #}}}
+sub cgi_editpage ($$) { #{{{
+ my $q=shift;
+ my $session=shift;
+ eval q{use CGI::FormBuilder};
+ my $form = CGI::FormBuilder->new(
+ fields => [qw(do rcsinfo from page content comments)],
+ header => 1,
+ method => 'POST',
+ validate => {
+ content => '/.+/',
+ },
+ required => [qw{content}],
+ javascript => 0,
+ params => $q,
+ action => $q->request_uri,
+ table => 0,
+ template => "$config{templatedir}/editpage.tmpl"
+ );
+ my @buttons=("Save Page", "Preview", "Cancel");
+ my ($page)=$form->param('page')=~/$config{wiki_file_regexp}/;
+ if (! defined $page || ! length $page || $page ne $q->param('page') ||
+ $page=~/$config{wiki_file_prune_regexp}/ || $page=~/^\//) {
+ error("bad page name");
+ }
+ $page=lc($page);
+ my $file=$page.$config{default_pageext};
+ my $newfile=1;
+ if (exists $pagesources{lc($page)}) {
+ $file=$pagesources{lc($page)};
+ $newfile=0;
+ }
+ $form->field(name => "do", type => 'hidden');
+ $form->field(name => "from", type => 'hidden');
+ $form->field(name => "rcsinfo", type => 'hidden');
+ $form->field(name => "page", value => "$page", force => 1);
+ $form->field(name => "comments", type => "text", size => 80);
+ $form->field(name => "content", type => "textarea", rows => 20,
+ cols => 80);
+ $form->tmpl_param("can_commit", $config{svn});
+ $form->tmpl_param("indexlink", indexlink());
+ $form->tmpl_param("helponformattinglink",
+ htmllink("", "HelpOnFormatting", 1));
+ if (! $form->submitted) {
+ $form->field(name => "rcsinfo", value => rcs_prepedit($file),
+ force => 1);
+ }
+ if ($form->submitted eq "Cancel") {
+ print $q->redirect("$config{url}/".htmlpage($page));
+ return;
+ }
+ elsif ($form->submitted eq "Preview") {
+ $form->tmpl_param("page_preview",
+ htmlize($config{default_pageext},
+ linkify($form->field('content'), $page)));
+ }
+ else {
+ $form->tmpl_param("page_preview", "");
+ }
+ $form->tmpl_param("page_conflict", "");
+ if (! $form->submitted || $form->submitted eq "Preview" ||
+ ! $form->validate) {
+ if ($form->field("do") eq "create") {
+ if (exists $pagesources{lc($page)}) {
+ # hmm, someone else made the page in the
+ # meantime?
+ print $q->redirect("$config{url}/".htmlpage($page));
+ return;
+ }
+ my @page_locs;
+ my $best_loc;
+ my ($from)=$form->param('from')=~/$config{wiki_file_regexp}/;
+ if (! defined $from || ! length $from ||
+ $from ne $form->param('from') ||
+ $from=~/$config{wiki_file_prune_regexp}/ || $from=~/^\//) {
+ @page_locs=$best_loc=$page;
+ }
+ else {
+ my $dir=$from."/";
+ $dir=~s![^/]+/$!!;
+ push @page_locs, $dir.$page;
+ push @page_locs, "$from/$page";
+ $best_loc="$from/$page";
+ while (length $dir) {
+ $dir=~s![^/]+/$!!;
+ push @page_locs, $dir.$page;
+ }
+ @page_locs = grep { ! exists
+ $pagesources{lc($_)} } @page_locs;
+ }
+ $form->tmpl_param("page_select", 1);
+ $form->field(name => "page", type => 'select',
+ options => \@page_locs, value => $best_loc);
+ $form->title("creating $page");
+ }
+ elsif ($form->field("do") eq "edit") {
+ if (! defined $form->field('content') ||
+ ! length $form->field('content')) {
+ my $content="";
+ if (exists $pagesources{lc($page)}) {
+ $content=readfile("$config{srcdir}/$pagesources{lc($page)}");
+ $content=~s/\n/\r\n/g;
+ }
+ $form->field(name => "content", value => $content,
+ force => 1);
+ }
+ $form->tmpl_param("page_select", 0);
+ $form->field(name => "page", type => 'hidden');
+ $form->title("editing $page");
+ }
+ print $form->render(submit => \@buttons);
+ }
+ else {
+ # save page
+ my $content=$form->field('content');
+ $content=~s/\r\n/\n/g;
+ $content=~s/\r/\n/g;
+ writefile("$config{srcdir}/$file", $content);
+ my $message="web commit ";
+ if ($session->param("name")) {
+ $message.="by ".$session->param("name");
+ }
+ else {
+ $message.="from $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR}";
+ }
+ if (defined $form->field('comments') &&
+ length $form->field('comments')) {
+ $message.=": ".$form->field('comments');
+ }
+ if ($config{svn}) {
+ if ($newfile) {
+ rcs_add($file);
+ }
+ # prevent deadlock with post-commit hook
+ unlockwiki();
+ # presumably the commit will trigger an update
+ # of the wiki
+ my $conflict=rcs_commit($file, $message,
+ $form->field("rcsinfo"));
+ if (defined $conflict) {
+ $form->field(name => "rcsinfo", value => rcs_prepedit($file),
+ force => 1);
+ $form->tmpl_param("page_conflict", 1);
+ $form->field("content", value => $conflict, force => 1);
+ $form->field("do", "edit)");
+ $form->tmpl_param("page_select", 0);
+ $form->field(name => "page", type => 'hidden');
+ $form->title("editing $page");
+ print $form->render(submit => \@buttons);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ loadindex();
+ refresh();
+ saveindex();
+ }
+ # The trailing question mark tries to avoid broken
+ # caches and get the most recent version of the page.
+ print $q->redirect("$config{url}/".htmlpage($page)."?updated");
+ }
+} #}}}
+sub cgi () { #{{{
+ eval q{use CGI};
+ eval q{use CGI::Session};
+ my $q=CGI->new;
+ my $do=$q->param('do');
+ if (! defined $do || ! length $do) {
+ error("\"do\" parameter missing");
+ }
+ # This does not need a session.
+ if ($do eq 'recentchanges') {
+ cgi_recentchanges($q);
+ return;
+ }
+ CGI::Session->name("ikiwiki_session");
+ my $oldmask=umask(077);
+ my $session = CGI::Session->new("driver:db_file", $q,
+ { FileName => "$config{srcdir}/.ikiwiki/sessions.db" });
+ umask($oldmask);
+ # Everything below this point needs the user to be signed in.
+ if ((! $config{anonok} && ! defined $session->param("name") ||
+ ! userinfo_get($session->param("name"), "regdate")) || $do eq 'signin') {
+ cgi_signin($q, $session);
+ # Force session flush with safe umask.
+ my $oldmask=umask(077);
+ $session->flush;
+ umask($oldmask);
+ return;
+ }
+ if ($do eq 'create' || $do eq 'edit') {
+ cgi_editpage($q, $session);
+ }
+ else {
+ error("unknown do parameter");
+ }
+} #}}}
+sub setup () { # {{{
+ my $setup=possibly_foolish_untaint($config{setup});
+ delete $config{setup};
+ open (IN, $setup) || error("read $setup: $!\n");
+ local $/=undef;
+ my $code=<IN>;
+ ($code)=$code=~/(.*)/s;
+ close IN;
+ eval $code;
+ error($@) if $@;
+ exit;
+} #}}}
+# main {{{
+setup() if $config{setup};
+if ($config{wrapper}) {
+ gen_wrapper(%config);
+ exit;
+loadindex() unless $config{rebuild};
+if ($config{cgi}) {
+ cgi();
+else {
+ rcs_update() if $config{svn};
+ refresh();
+ saveindex();