The `trailitems` directive is supplied by the [[!iki plugins/trail desc=trail]] plugin. It adds pages to the trail represented by the current page, without producing any output on that page. \[[!trailitems pages="posts/*" sort="age"]] \[[!trailitems pagenames="a b c"]] Note that if the directive includes the current page in the trail, a trail will be produced that has forward and back links, but no link "up". Options are similar to [[!iki ikiwiki/directive/inline desc=inline]]: * `pages`: adds pages that match a [[ikiwiki/PageSpec]] to the trail (cannot be used with `pagenames`) * `pagenames`: if used instead of `pages`, this is interpreted as a space-separated list of absolute page names ([[SubPage/LinkingRules]] are not taken into account) to add to the trail * `sort`: add the pages matched by `pages` to the trail in this [[ikiwiki/pagespec/sorting]] order (cannot be used with `pagenames`) * `reverse`: reverse the order of `sort` (cannot be used with `pagenames`) [[!meta robots="noindex, follow"]]