
I am very confused with the template variables. I cannot find any documentation of which ones are available, where are they set, etc.

I see that in the default templates, there are things like this (rssitem.tmpl): 

        <title><TMPL_VAR AUTHOR ESCAPE=HTML>: <TMPL_VAR TITLE></title>
        <dcterms:creator><TMPL_VAR AUTHOR ESCAPE=HTML></dcterms:creator>
        <title><TMPL_VAR TITLE></title>

But I don't get this in my RSS, and I don't know how to add those variables, except for mentions of some plugins that are not yet merged.

I also see that the 'author' data is one of the fields that can be set with the meta directive, but I understand that meta is processed after the templates, so it cannot be the source; right?

Any help appreciated!

PS: what I am tring to do now is to add a proper author field to my feeds, but I also want to understand how to use the templating system.