I recently moved from Trisquel's version of ikiwiki (from 2013, the same one of Debian wheezy backports) to the version 5.20141016 which I built from git, by pulling the tag. One of the new things I have now is the templatebody directive. I started using it in my templates, and I suddenly notice strange behavior: one of my templates renders as the *rest* of the template page when used, instead of the body part. In other words, it renders exactly the part it should hide (the description) and ignores the body itself (which is inside \[[!templatebody]]). When I manually re-generate the wiki, it suddenly renders right. As soon as the page gets rebuilt automatically after some git push, it renders the wrong way. [[This|http://www.rel4tion.org/languages/haskell/]] is the page, and [[this|http://www.rel4tion.org/templates/wikitag/]] is a template it uses. Right now the template is rendered on that page exactly like the template page itself. Both display the description text, and the \[[!templatebody]] content isn't displayed at all. If I debug it myself and find something relevant, I'll update here. -- [[fr33domlover]]