[[!comment format=mdwn username="schmonz" ip="" subject="MacPorts still hasn't updated past 2011 ikiwiki with a seriously old Perl" date="2013-08-11T01:40:23Z" content=""" According to [this page](http://www.macports.org/ports.php?by=name&substr=Ikiwiki) nothing has changed in MacPorts' ikiwiki build. Have you tried contacting the package maintainer or, failing that, submitting an update request to the relevant mailing list? If MacPorts is this behind the times, it doesn't make sense to me to recommend it to anyone. But I'm biased in favor of pkgsrc, so I don't feel comfortable editing the [[tips/ikiwiki on Mac OS X]] page to promote the thing I happen to prefer... but pkgsrc has Perl 5.18, and I keep pkgsrc's ikiwiki package updated at every release. --[[schmonz]] """]]