[[!meta title="mailto: links not properly generated in rss/atom feeds"]] A link like \[this](mailto:foo@bar.org) will not be converted correctly to a mailto link in the rss/atom feeds, but an absolute link instead. See e.g. the logitech post on http://madduck.net/blog/feeds/planet-lca2008/index.rss > fixed --[[Joey]] [[!tag done]] This still happens for auto-generated mailto: links that are [garbled](http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax#autolink) by Markdown, so that <matthias@rampke.de> is turned into <a href="mailto:matthias@rampke.de">matthias@rampke.de</a> for HTML, but <a href="http://rampke.de/m&#97;&#105;&#x6C;t&#111;:&#109;&#x61;&#116;&#x74;&#x68;&#105;a&#x73;&#64;&#x72;&#x61;&#109;&#x70;&#x6B;&#101;&#46;&#100;&#x65;">&#109;&#x61;&#116;&#x74;&#x68;&#105;a&#x73;&#64;&#x72;&#x61;&#109;&#x70;&#x6B;&#101;&#46;&#100;&#x65;</a></p> for Atom and RSS. > This garbling is provably pointless. Proof: For $1000 I will take off my > white hat, put on my black hat, and implement support for it in any > spammer's email address extraction tool. Money will be donated to a > spam-fighting organisation of my choice. > > So, in leu of money, it seems best to find a way to disable it in > markdown. > > Anyway, I've fixed this, at the expense of additional total worldwide > power usage, etc. --[[Joey]]