The final `</div>` in `recentchanges.tmpl` gets wrapped in a
`<p>` tag for some reason, resulting in the following invalid XHTML at
the end of the [[RecentChanges]] page


> I'll bet this is fixed if you use the markdown 1.2 prerelease, which has
> a much less buggy html parser. (Ah, I see below that was the case.) 
> --[[Joey]]

Also, there is a problem with the `<img>` tags generated by the smiley
plugin which end up wrapped in a `<pre>` tag in the inline diff output.
`<img>` tags is not allowed within a `<pre>` block.  Maybe the smiley
plugin should be disabled on [[RecentChanges]]?

> See [[Smileys_in_the_block_code]], which is now fixed. --[[Joey]]

See the [validator output][validate] for more details.


- - -

I'll add this here since it's related.  I also noticed that the meta tags for
redirected pages need to be closed in order to be valid XHTML:

    <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="10; URL=../ikiwiki/pagespec/">

I'm noticing these problems because I'm serving ikiwiki-generated
content as `application/xhtml+xml` (as opposed to `text/html`) in order
to include inline MathML.  Any invalid XHTML causes Firefox to halt all
processing and throw an error. &mdash;[Jason Blevins](

- - -

Here is a simple patch for the refresh problem.  I haven't figured out
what's causing the recentchanges bug yet.


> Thanks, applied that patch. --[[Joey]]

- - -

It turns out that the invalid XHTML on the recent changes page is due to
a bug in Markdown.  I was using the packaged version of markdown in
Ubuntu (Gutsy and markdown 1.0.1-6).  Everything is fine
after installing the most recent version of Text::Markdown from CPAN.

Note that the above patch for the redirect tag is still applicable and
the smiley issue remains open. --[[JasonBlevins]]

> This bug is [[done]], all issues are fixed. --[[Joey]]

[[!tag patch]]