## PROFILING slow render  : Case buggy [[plugins/filecheck]] ?

Saving an article from ikiwiki editor is long ? 
<tt>ikiwiki  --setup wiki.setup --rebuild</tt> is long ?

Of course it depends the size of the wiki but if it's tiny and still take
more that two minutes, it's boring. But if it takes a **dozen of minutes**, it's plain buggy.

Actually one can with a verbose rebuild narrow down which page "lags" :


It's also possible to measure render time on one of these pages like this:

time ikiwiki  --setup wiki.setup --render private/admin.mdwn

Well indeed for such a simple page, something fishy is going on.

Still for simple yet superficial but enough profiling test, it requires 
a sub-level perl profiler.

## Using SmallProf

[[tips/optimising_ikiwiki/#index10h2]] proposed [[!cpan Devel::NYTProf]].

Try it hard to make it spits realistic numbers or even a trend to point
the bottleneck in the code. Bref -- nothing valuable nor coherent, it's way to sophisticated to be handy
in my situation (virtual machine, SMP system, long runs, clock drifts, etc...)  

[[!cpan Devel::SmallProf]] is simple and just works(c)

export PERL5OPT=-d:SmallProf
time ikiwiki  --setup wiki.setup --rebuild
sort -k 2nr,2 -k 3nr,3  smallprof.out | head -n 6

### Results : 6 top slowpits

Total rebuild time:<br/>
real	5m16.283s<br/>
user	2m38.935s<br/>
sys	2m32.704s<br/>

Total rebuild time (under profiling) : <br/>
real	19m21.633s<br/>
user	14m47.831s<br/>
sys	4m11.046s<br/>

[num] 	[walltime] 	[cputime] 	[line]:	[code]
3055 	114.17165  	15.34000   	149: 	$mimetype=<$file_h>;
1626527	69.39272 	101.4700    93:     read($fh, $line, $$ref[1]); # read max
3055  	50.62106  	34.78000   	148:  	open(my $file_h, "-|", "file", "-bi",
1626527  14.86525  	48.50000   	 92:  	seek($fh, $$ref[0], SEEK_SET); # seek
1626527  13.95613  	44.78000   	102: 	return undef unless $line =~ $$ref[3]; #
3055   	5.75528   	5.81000    	76: 	for my $type (map @$_, @rules) {

legend : 
*num* is the number of times that the line was executed, *time* is the amount of "wall time" (time according the the clock on the wall vs. cpu time)
spent executing it, *ctime* is the amount of cpu time expended on it and *line* and *code* are the line number and the actual text of the executed line 
(read from the file).

3 topmost issues are located in this file :

sub match_mimetype ($$;@) {                                         
        my $page=shift;
        my $wanted=shift;                       
        my %params=@_;
        my $file=exists $params{file} ? $params{file} : IkiWiki::srcfile($IkiWiki::pagesources{$page});
        if (! defined $file) {
                return IkiWiki::ErrorReason->new("file does not exist");
        # Get the mime type.
        # First, try File::Mimeinfo. This is fast, but doesn't recognise
        # all files.
        eval q{use File::MimeInfo::Magic};                    
        my $mimeinfo_ok=! $@;                                     
        my $mimetype;
        if ($mimeinfo_ok) {
                my $mimetype=File::MimeInfo::Magic::magic($file);
        # Fall back to using file, which has a more complete
        # magic database.
        if (! defined $mimetype) {
                open(my $file_h, "-|", "file", "-bi", $file); 
                chomp $mimetype;                            
                close $file_h;                   
        if (! defined $mimetype || $mimetype !~s /;.*//) {
                # Fall back to default value.
                        if $mimeinfo_ok; 
                if (! defined $mimetype) {
        my $regexp=IkiWiki::glob2re($wanted);
        if ($mimetype!~$regexp) {
                return IkiWiki::FailReason->new("file MIME type is $mimetype, not $wanted");
        else {  
                return IkiWiki::SuccessReason->new("file MIME type is $mimetype");

Next 3 in this file :

sub _check_rule {
        my ($ref, $fh, $lev) = @_;
        my $line;

        # Read
        if (ref $fh eq 'GLOB') {
                seek($fh, $$ref[0], SEEK_SET);  # seek offset
                read($fh, $line, $$ref[1]);     # read max length
        else { # allowing for IO::Something
                $fh->seek($$ref[0], SEEK_SET);  # seek offset
                $fh->read($line, $$ref[1]);     # read max length

        # Match regex
        $line = unpack 'b*', $line if $$ref[2]; # unpack to bits if using mask
        return undef unless $line =~ $$ref[3];  # match regex
        print STDERR    '>', '>'x$lev, ' Value "', _escape_bytes($2),
                        '" at offset ', $$ref[1]+length($1),
                        " matches at $$ref[4]\n"
                if $DEBUG;
        return 1 unless $#$ref > 4;

        # Check nested rules and recurs
        for (5..$#$ref) {
                return 1 if _check_rule($$ref[$_], $fh, $lev+1);
        print STDERR "> Failed nested rules\n" if $DEBUG && ! $lev;
        return 0;

*"It seems it's a unique cause, that snails it all"*

## Conclusion 

This describes an issue in the attachment filechecker with mime type detection.
The smallprof out file reveals it always fall back to using file which is very time-consuming.

So what the hell did I put as complex allowed file attachment ruining File::Mimeinfo fast yet sparse recon ? 
Well, it was set in the config this way:

<tt>allowed_attachments => 'mimetype(image/*) or maxsize(5000kb) or mimetype(text/plain) or mimetype(text/css) or mimetype(video/*)'</tt>

Ok... maybe the wildcards induce ....hum whatever... let's try something , the simplest thing :

<tt>allowed_attachments => 'mimetype(text/plain) or mimetype(text/css)'</tt>

Same slowness : yek, File::Mimeinfo recons nothing ... not even simplest files.
Disabling it is a temporary cure obviously but it only took **30 seconds** .

<tt>disable_plugins => [qw{filecheck}]</tt>

I tried also to upgrade [[!cpan File::MimeInfo]] to current 0.16, did not helped either. :/

I opened a bug [[bugs/Slow_Filecheck_attachments___34__snails_it_all__34__]]