#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use lib '.'; # For use in nonstandard directory, munged by Makefile. use IkiWiki; use IkiWiki::Plugin::comments; use Getopt::Long; sub usage { die gettext("usage: ikiwiki-comment pagefile [options]") . "\n"; } sub main { my $pagefile=shift || usage(); my $interactive = -t STDIN; my $content; my ($format, $username, $subject, $date, $url, $email, $ip); GetOptions( 'format:s' => \$format, 'username:s' => \$username, 'subject:s' => \$subject, 'date:s' => \$date, 'url:s' => \$url, 'email:s' => \$email, 'ip:s' => \$ip, ) || usage(); my $dir=get_dir($pagefile); my $page=get_page($pagefile); IkiWiki::Plugin::comments::checkconfig(); if ($interactive) { $format ||= 'mdwn'; $username ||= get_username(); $subject ||= get_subject($page, $dir); $date ||= IkiWiki::Plugin::comments::commentdate(); $url ||= undef; $email ||= undef; $ip ||= undef; } else { $format ||= undef; die "must supply username" unless defined $username; $subject ||= get_subject($page, $dir); die "must supply date" unless defined $date; $url ||= undef; $email ||= undef; $ip ||= undef; chomp($content = join('', <STDIN>)); } my $comment=get_comment($format, $username, $subject, $date, $url, $email, $ip, $content); # For interactive use, this will yield a hash of the comment before # it's edited, but that's ok; the date provides sufficient entropy # to avoid collisions, and the hash of a comment does not need to # match its actual content. # Doing it this way avoids needing to move the file to a final # location after it's edited. my $location=IkiWiki::Plugin::comments::unique_comment_location($page, $comment, $dir)."._comment"; IkiWiki::writefile($location, $dir, $comment); exec_editor("$dir/$location") if $interactive; } sub get_dir { my ($file) = @_; my $dir=IkiWiki::dirname($file); $dir="." unless length $dir; return $dir; } sub get_page { my ($file) = @_; my $page=IkiWiki::basename($file); $page=~s/\.[^.]+$// unless -d $file; return $page; } sub get_username { my $username = getpwuid($<); $username="" unless defined $username; return $username; } sub get_subject { my ($page, $dir) = @_; my $comment_num=1+IkiWiki::Plugin::comments::num_comments($page, $dir); return "comment $comment_num"; } sub get_comment { my ($format, $username, $subject, $date, $url, $email, $ip, $content) = @_; $format = defined $format ? $format = " format=$format" : q{}; $content = '' unless defined $content; my $comment="[[!comment$format\n"; $comment.=" username=\"$username\"\n"; $comment.=" subject=\"\"\"$subject\"\"\"\n"; $comment.=" date=\"$date\"\n"; $comment.=" url=\"$url\"\n" if defined $url; $comment.=" email=\"$email\"\n" if defined $email; $comment.=" ip=\"$ip\"\n" if defined $ip; $comment.=" content=\"\"\"\n$content\n\"\"\"]]\n"; return $comment; } sub exec_editor { my ($file) = @_; my @editor="vi"; if (-x "/usr/bin/editor") { @editor="/usr/bin/editor"; } if (exists $ENV{EDITOR}) { @editor=split(' ', $ENV{EDITOR}); } if (exists $ENV{VISUAL}) { @editor=split(' ', $ENV{VISUAL}); } exec(@editor, $file); } main(@ARGV);