Here's how to get ikiwiki in source or prepackaged form. See [[setup]] for
how to use it, and be sure to add your wiki to [[IkiwikiUsers]] if you use

## source

Ikiwiki is developed in a [[git_repository|git]].

The best place to download a tarball of the latest release is from 

Manual installation steps and requirements are listed on the [[install]] page.

## Debian / Ubuntu packages

To install with [apt](, if using Debian or Ubuntu:

        apt-get install ikiwiki

Or download the deb from <>.

There is a backport of a recent version of ikiwiki for Debian 5.0 at

There is also an unofficial backport of ikiwiki for Ubuntu Jaunty, provided by
at [](

## RPM packages

Fedora versions 8 and newer have RPMs of ikiwiki available.

Ikiwiki's source includes a RPM spec file, which you can use to build your
own RPM.

## BSD ports

NetBSD, Mac OS X, Solaris, and many other platforms: [pkgsrc]( has an [ikiwiki package](

FreeBSD has ikiwiki in its
[ports collection](

## Other packages

Gentoo has an [ebuild]( in its bug database. 

The [openSUSE Build Service]( has packages for openSUSE

A [PKGBUILD for Arch Linux]( is in the AUR.