Here are some tips for ways to style the links provided by the [[plugins/parentlinks]] plugin. This plugin offers a `HTML::Template` loop that iterates over all or a subset of a page's parents. It also provides a few bonus possibilities, such as styling the parent links depending on their place in the path. [[!toc ]] Content ======= The plugin provides one template loop, called `PARENTLINKS`, that returns the list of parent pages for the current page. Every returned path element has the following variables set: * `URL` (string): url to the current path element * `PAGE` (string): title of the current path element * `DEPTH` (positive integer): depth of the path leading to the current path element, counting from the wiki's root, which has `DEPTH=0` * `HEIGHT` (positive integer): distance, expressed in path elements, from the current page to the current path element; e.g. this is 1 for the current page's mother, 2 for its grand-mother, etc. * `DEPTH_n` (boolean): true if, and only if, `DEPTH==n` * `HEIGHT_n` (boolean): true if, and only if, `HEIGHT==n` Usage ===== The `DEPTH_n` and `HEIGHT_n` variables allow the template writer to skip arbitrary elements in the parents list: they are arbitrary page-range selectors. The `DEPTH` and `HEIGHT` variables allow the template writer to apply general treatment, depending on one of these variables, to *every* parent: they are counters. Basic usage ----------- As in the default `page.tmpl`, one can simply display the list of parent pages: / Styling parents depending on their depth ---------------------------------------- Say you want the parent links to be styled depending on their depth in the path going from the wiki root to the current page; just add the following lines in `page.tmpl`: " class="depth"> / Then write the appropriate CSS bits for `a.depth1`, etc. Skip some parents, style the others depending on their distance to the current page ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Say you want to display all the parents links but the wiki homepage, styled depending on their distance to the current page; just add the following lines in `page.tmpl`: " class="height"> / Then write the appropriate CSS bits for `a.height1`, etc. Avoid showing title of toplevel index page ------------------------------------------ If you don't like having "index" appear on the top page of the wiki, but you do want to see the name of the page otherwise, you can use a special `HAS_PARENTLINKS` template variable that the plugin provides. It is true for every page *except* the toplevel index. Here is an example of using it to hide the title of the toplevel index page: / Full-blown example ------------------ Let's have a look at a more complicated example; combining the boolean loop variables provided by the plugin (`IS_ROOT` and friends) and `HTML::Template` flow control structures, you can have custom HTML and/or CSS generated for some special path components; e.g.: