[[!comment format=mdwn
 subject="comment 3"
> The Arabic pages on your wiki seem to have the Arabic in LTR, instead of the intended RTL

As I said on the other forum thread, it does look to me as though it is RTL;
the display bug is that it's left-justified (text-align: left) because the
blueview stylesheet explicitly (and unnecessarily?) left-aligns text.

You can test RTL/LTR in English by putting a distinctive directionless punctuation
character at the beginning and end of a paragraph like this:

    <p dir=\"ltr\">• This renders with a bullet on the left and an ellipsis on the right…</p>
    <p dir=\"rtl\">• This renders with a bullet on the right and an ellipsis on the left…</p>

The actual text still goes left-to-right because Latin characters are known
to be left-to-right by the Unicode bidi algorithm, but the punctuation moves
around, and in ikiwiki themes other than blueview and goldtype, the alignment
changes too:

<p dir=\"ltr\">• This renders with a bullet on the left and an ellipsis on the right…</p>
<p dir=\"rtl\">• This renders with a bullet on the right and an ellipsis on the left…</p>

More test-cases:

* <http://actiontabs.hosted.pseudorandom.co.uk/rtl/>
* <http://blueview.hosted.pseudorandom.co.uk/rtl/>
* <http://goldtype.hosted.pseudorandom.co.uk/rtl/>
* <http://unthemed.hosted.pseudorandom.co.uk/rtl/>