Can we please have a very brief HOWTO?

I have a Moin wiki in /var/www/wiki and want to create an IkIwiki clone of it in /var/www/ikiwiki backed by a git repos in /data/ikiwiki.

I tried:

    mkdir /var/www/ikiwiki
    mkdir /data/ikiwiki
    PATH=.:/usr/lib/git-core:$PATH ./moin2iki /data/ikiwiki http://localhost/wiki

Help please!but this failed. (BTW, I don't usually put . in my PATH).  The failure appears to be that the converter doesn't actually create an ikiwiki instance, but appears to want to update one:

    fatal: ambiguous argument 'master': unknown revision or path not in the working tree.
    Use '--' to separate paths from revisions
    fatal: ambiguous argument 'master': unknown revision or path not in the working tree.
    Use '--' to separate paths from revisions
    fatal: Not a valid object name master
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/home/peterc/src/moin2iki/git-map", line 125, in <module>
        if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main(sys.argv[1:]))
      File "/home/peterc/src/moin2iki/git-map", line 117, in main
        print git_map_file('commit', new_head)
      File "/home/peterc/src/moin2iki/git-map", line 33, in git_map_file
        f(inproc.stdout, outproc.stdin, sha, arg)
      File "/home/peterc/src/moin2iki/git-map", line 64, in handle_commit
        string, tree = lines.pop(0).split()
    IndexError: pop from empty list

OK, so I created one:

    ikiwiki --setup /etc/ikiwiki/auto.setup
This process created several files and directories in my home directory:


Following the instructions on the setup page, I did:
    mv wiki.git /data/ikiwiki
    ( cd /data/ikiwiki; git clone -l wiki.git wiki; )
    mv .ikiwiki /data/ikiwiki/ikiwiki
    mv ~/public_html/wiki /var/ikiwiki/

then did again

    PATH=.:/usr/lib/git-core:$PATH ./moin2iki /data/ikiwiki/wiki http://www/wiki

and saw no output, and no change to the filesystem.

I'm totally confused.  It looks as though the script calls moin2git iff the target directory isn't there, but the script fails in interesting ways if it is.

The other thing I saw was:

    2009-12-04 09:00:31,542 WARNING MoinMoin.log:139 using logging configuration read from built-in fallback in MoinMoin.log module!
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "./moin2git", line 128, in <module>
        if __name__ == '__main__': main(*sys.argv[1:])
      File "./moin2git", line 43, in main
        r = request.RequestCLI()
    AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'RequestCLI'

Moin version is 1.8.5

Help please!

> Please take a look at [[tips/Convert_moinmoin_to_ikiwiki]] again, the code has radically changed and should now be easier to use *and* work with 1.8.x. --[[anarcat]]