How to align this?

I have found this patch to be the only way I can float graphs to the right:

[[!format diff """
--- Plugin/     2012-04-25 10:26:59.531525247 -0400
+++ Plugin/  2012-04-25 10:26:01.282922144 -0400
@@ -87,8 +87,10 @@
                error gettext("failed to run graphviz") if ($sigpipe || $?);

+       my $class = '';
+       $class = 'class="' . $params{class} if $params{class};
        return "<img src=\"".urlto($dest, $params{destpage}).
-               "\" usemap=\"#graph$sha\" />\n".
+               "\" usemap=\"#graph$sha\" $class />\n".

Then I can use `[[!graph class="align-right" ...]]`.. --[[anarcat]]

> You can already use `<div class="align-right">[[!graph ...]]</div>`,
> doesn't that have the same practical effect? --[[smcv]]

> > It does! I didn't think of that, thanks! I am not used to plain HTML in wikis, and the [[plugins/contrib/osm]] plugin has "right" and "left" directives...  --[[anarcat]]