Nope my friend. [[!meta date="Thu Jun 16 22:04:33 2005" updated="Thu Dec 22 01:23:20 2011"]] This is the [[SandBox]], a page anyone can edit to try out ikiwiki (version [[!version ]]). vvvv CamelCase ? [[!tag sandbox]] What about [[this page]], nono better [[that page]]? hello world (right back at ya) wait how does versioning work test, is it being saved? Probably. I will check. This seems really straightforward. Hello! ~~~ pre formated text? ~~~ ``` testing markdown ``` # one - foo ## two - bar ### - blah - more blah ## bir - bir ## iki - iki * yildiz ** cyildiz - tire -- ctire * *i dene* * **b dene** 1. number 2. list a. ick b. bar | table | here | |----|.----.| | test adfasdfasdfa | 2 | | subtest | adfad| ok no formating. > This is a blockquote. > > This is the first level of quoting. A block of text > > > This is a nested blockquote. > >> Without a space works too. >>> to three levels This is pretty sweet Azerty ** Qsdf ** > > Back to the first level. > > added a line in level 1 > and another Numbered list 1. First item. 1. Sub item. 1. Number 2 1. Another. 1. And another.. 1. foo 2. bar 3. quz 3. quze Bulleted list * item * *italic item* * item * one * footballs; runner; unices * Cool ! * test * this * something else * some more * and more * and * this > a blockquote > in a list > how is this handled *this _ _ _ * this 2 * this 3 test _this_ out. `test this code block` [[!wikipedia War_of_1812]] ---- [[!template id=note text="this is generated by the [[plugins/haiku]] plugin"]] [[!haiku hint="sandbox play"]] ---- ## Different sorts of links: * [[Features]] * * [[different_name_for_a_WikiLink|ikiwiki/WikiLink]] * * [GNU]( * Joey's blog ---- # header1 ## header2 ### header3 #### header4 ##### header 5 **bold** _italic_ test ms opopopo ---- This **SandBox** is also a [[blog]]! [[!inline pages="sandbox/* and !*/Discussion" rootpage="sandbox" show="4" archive="yes"]] Testy test!

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What follows is some preformatted text. Each line is proceeded by four spaces. Test ...Now why doesn't it work like that on my own copy of ikiwiki? :( Räksmörgås. `pre?` Testing. Test. 試験として書き込みします。 Καλημέρα!