The ikiwiki logo *reflects* ikiwiki turning the regular wiki concept 
on its head by being a wiki compiler. Or maybe just the fact that "ikiwiki"
is an anagram. 

Anyway, if you have this logo in other fonts or colors, feel free to send
it to [[Joey]] for inclusion here. (Or upload it, once that feature is

* [[ikiwiki_logo|ikiwiki.png]]  

  [[SVG_source|ikiwiki.svgz]], can be used to generate a logo at any size
  with a command like:  
  `inkscape -z -D -w 90 -e ikiwiki.png ikiwiki.svgz`

  Contributed by Recai OktaÅŸ

* [[ikiwiki_logo|ikiwiki_old.png]] 

  LaTeX source to an image approximating the above:


  Contributed by [[JeroenSchot]]