" Vim syntax file " Language: Ikiwiki (links) " Maintainer: Recai OktaĆ¾ (roktasATdebian.org) " Last Change: 2007 May 29 " Instructions: " - make sure to use the relevant syntax file which can be found " at vim.org; below are the syntax files for markdown and reST, " respectively: " http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1242 " http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=973 " - put the file into your syntax directory (e.g. ~/.vim/syntax) " - if you use markdown (with .mdwn extension) add sth like below " in your VIM startup file: " au BufNewFile,BufRead *.mdwn set ft=ikiwiki " - if you use a different markup other than markdown (e.g. reST) " make sure to setup 'g:ikiwiki_render_filetype' properly in " your startup file (skip this step for mkd.vim, it should work " out of the box) " Todo: " - revamp the whole file so as to detect valid ikiwiki directives " and parameters (needs a serious work) let s:cpo_save = &cpo set cpo&vim " Load the base syntax (default to markdown) if nothing was loaded. if !exists("b:current_syntax") let s:ikiwiki_render_filetype = "mkd" if exists("g:ikiwiki_render_filetype") let s:ikiwiki_render_filetype = g:ikiwiki_render_filetype endif exe 'runtime! syntax/' . s:ikiwiki_render_filetype . '.vim' endif unlet b:current_syntax syn case match syn region ikiwikiLinkContent matchgroup=ikiwikiLink start=+\[\[\(\w\+\s\+\)\{,1}+ end=+\]\]+ contains=ikiwikiLinkNested,ikiwikiParam,ikiwikiNoParam syn region ikiwikiLinkNested matchgroup=ikiwikiLinkNested start=+"""+ end=+"""+ contains=ikiwikiLinkContent contained " FIXME: Below is an ugly hack to prevent highlighting of simple links " as directives. Links with spaces are still problematic though. syn region ikiwikiNoParam start=+\[\[[^|=]\+|+ end=+[^|=]\+\]\]+ keepend contains=ikiwikiMagic,ikiwikiDelim syn match ikiwikiDelim "\(\[\[\|\]\]\)" contained syn match ikiwikiMagic "|" contained syn match ikiwikiParam "\<\i\+\ze=" nextgroup=ikiwikiParamAssign contained syn match ikiwikiParamAssign "=" nextgroup=ikiwikiValue contained syn region ikiwikiValue start=+"[^"]+hs=e-1 end=+[^"]"+ skip=+\\"+ keepend contains=ikiwikiValueMagic,ikiwikiDelim contained syn match ikiwikiValueMagic +\(!\<\|\*\|\<\(and\|or\)\>\|\<\i*(\|\>)\)+ contained syn sync minlines=50 hi def link ikiwikiLink Statement hi def link ikiwikiLinkNested String hi def link ikiwikiLinkContent Underlined hi def link ikiwikiMagic Operator hi def link ikiwikiDelim Operator hi def link ikiwikiNoParam Underlined hi def link ikiwikiParam Identifier hi def link ikiwikiParamAssign Operator hi def link ikiwikiValue String hi def link ikiwikiValueMagic Type let b:current_syntax = "ikiwiki" unlet s:cpo_save " vim:ts=8:sts=8:noet