As in title, how to align text to the right? > Add to your local.css a class that aligns text to the right: .alignright { text-align: right; } > And then you just just use `` around > other html. > > You can refine that, and allow right-aligning markdowned text > by using the [[ikiwiki/directive/template]] > directive, with a template that contains the html. The > [[templates/note]] template does something similar. --[[Joey]] >> Thanks! ----- > Doing this myself and noted that [[ikiwiki/markdown]] down does not allow the enclosure of block level elements directly; and thus we cannot switch the `span` suggested above for `div` in changing block level elements (not if you wish to include markdown, anyway). For example, I want to create a paragraph (with markdown text) which is right aligned, and so add the following >> >> This is my text with [a markdown link](/) >> > The *correct* thing to do here is create a template (as indicated above) **but** a workaround I found useful was to over-ride the `inline` nature of the `span` element, as follows >> .align_right { display: block ; text-align: right ; } > you may also like to remove the padding and margins since they will be provided by the enclosing block. -- fergus
[[!format mdwn """ This is my text with [a markdown link](#). Here's a *second* paragraph. """]]
>> There is more than one way to do it. If [[plugins/format]] is enabled, then this: >> >>
>> \[[!format mdwn """ >> This is my text with [a markdown link](#). >> >> Here's a *second* paragraph. >> """]] >>
>> >> is rendered like the box in this page. >> >> (I'm using the `notebox` class used by the `note` template here, but you could >> use any class.) --[[smcv]]