[[!template id=plugin name=newpage author="[[rubykat]]"]] [[!tag type/web]] [[!toc]] ## NAME IkiWiki::Plugin::newpage - add a "create new page" form to actions ## SYNOPSIS # activate the plugin add_plugins => [qw{goodstuff newpage ....}], ## DESCRIPTION This plugin adds a new action to the "ACTIONS" section of a page; a button labelled "create" and an input field next to it. The common way of creating a new page is to edit a different page and add a link to the new page. However, there are some situations where that is a nuisance; for example, where pages are listed using a [[plugins/map]] directive. The newpage plugin enables one to simply type the name of the new page, click the "create" button, and one is then taken to the standard IkiWiki create-page form. ## DOWNLOAD * browse at GitHub: <http://github.com/rubykat/ikiplugins/blob/master/IkiWiki/Plugin/newpage.pm> * git repo at git://github.com/rubykat/ikiplugins.git