The `graph` directive is supplied by the [[!iki plugins/graphviz desc=graphviz]] plugin. This directive allows embedding [graphviz]( graphs in a page. Example usage: \[[!graph src="a -> b -> c; a -> c;"]] Nodes on the graph can link to external urls using regular graphviz syntax, and a clickable imagemap will be created. As a special extension for ikiwiki, [[WikiLinks|ikiwiki/wikilink]] can also be used. For example: \[[!graph src=""" google [ href="" ] sandbox [ href=\[[SandBox]] ] help [ href=\[[ikiwiki/formatting]] ] newpage [ href=\[[NewPage]] ] google -> sandbox -> help -> newpage -> help -> google; """]] The `graph` directive supports the following parameters: - `src` - The graphviz source to render. - `type` - The type of graph to render: `graph` or `digraph`. Defaults to `digraph`. - `prog` - The graphviz program to render with: `dot`, `neato`, `fdp`, `twopi`, or `circo`. Defaults to `dot`. - `height`, `width` - Limit the size of the graph to a given height and width, in inches. You must specify both to limit the size; otherwise, graphviz will choose a size, without any limit. [[!meta robots="noindex, follow"]]