# What I did Upgraded from 3.20180105 to 3.20180228 (from pkgsrc). No change to installed Text::Markdown::Discount (0.11nb4 from pkgsrc, using upstream's bundled Discount library). # What I expected to happen Markdown-style links to continue being rendered as before. # What actually happened Markdown-style links stopped being links. Instead, they render the part in square brackets as ordinary text. # Proximate cause In [f46e429](http://source.ikiwiki.branchable.com/?p=source.git;a=commitdiff;h=f46e429d96ead32943cb2670d7686df8c77de361), if I comment out the `MKD_GITHUBTAGS` if block, the problem goes away. # Further causes and possible solutions Some guesses: - Sufficiently old versions of the Discount library may break when passed unrecognized flags, in which case ikiwiki might want to version-check before passing flags - The version of the Discount library bundled with upstream Text::Markdown::Discount may be extremely old, in which case pkgsrc might want to make it depend instead on an external Discount package > This appears to be because `MKD_GITHUBTAGS` and `MKD_LATEX` both have numeric values that > were previously used for the internal flag `IS_LABEL`, which strips HTML (its value has > changed a couple of times). > > Having thought about this a bit, I realise I can probe for the values of these flags by > processing HTML that should have different results with the flag set or unset, which > would be safer than just blindly using them. > > Orthogonally, pkgsrc should probably use an up-to-date version of Discount, and > [we already know that Text::Markdown::Discount needs updating](https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=124188). > --[[smcv]]